Page:Buildings Ordinance, 1955 (Cap. 123).pdf/25

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No. 68 of 1955.

(2) Such regulations may provide for the carrying out by the Building Authority of all building works required to be carried out therein, and for the recovery of the costs thereof from the person required to carry out such building works.

(3) (a) Such regulations may provide that where the Building Authority issues permits thereunder he may—
(i) endorse conditions on such permits;
(ii) cancel such permits for breaches thereof; and
(iii) require the permittee to deposit a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars as security for the due compliance with such conditions.
(b) Upon the breach of any such condition, any deposit required by this subsection shall upon application to a magistrate be declared by him to be forfeited to the Crown.

(4) Such regulations may prescribe contraventions thereof which shall constitute offences and may prescribe penalties not exceeding two thousand dollars and six months imprisonment.

(5) Such regulations shall be published once in the Gazette at least three weeks before coming into operation:

Provided that where the Governor in Council deems it expedient such publication may be dispensed with.

(6) Such regulations amending or replacing other regulations made hereunder may prescribe the period during which the Building Authority may give approval to plans of building works which conform with the regulations before amendment replacement.


Offences. 27. (1) Any contravention of the provisions of the sections specified in the table set out in this section, and each of the acts or omissions therein specified shall be an offence.