Page:CAB Accident Report, TWA Flight 891.pdf/3

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DETAILS OF THE CRASH (a) Olgiate Olona (Varese). (b) Date and time

June 26, 1959, about h=35 Pun. (time given is G.M.T. unlesa other- wise indicated).

(c) Nature of the flight

Regular scheduled flight.

Actual take-off time

Elitth 10:15 a.m.

(Rome 2:00 p.111. TWA Flight No. 891/26 (

EMilan 14:20 p.m.

(Paris .........

(a) Purpose of the flight Public transportation of passengers, mail and cargo. (9) Date on which the Board of 111un was notified On June 26, 1959, on instructions from the Ministry of Defense, the

Office of the Secretary General M.D.A. [Ministry of Defense - Aviation] appointed the following Board to investigate the crash:

Major General Duilio FANALI, Inspector of the Air Force Academy Chairman

001. Paris PEMAZZA, Air Force, Office of the Director General of 011711 Aviation and Air Traffic Member

Lt. Col. Piero ANDREOTTI, Air Force General Staff Member Lt. Col. Stefano CASI'ELIJANI, Air Force, Office of the Inspector of Telecommnioations and Aide to Air

Nafigatim '1

Lt. Col. Enrico MIGLIO, G.A.r.i., Office of the Director of Aeronautical Construction, Milan "