Page:CAB Accident Report, TWA Flight 891.pdf/4

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Lt. Col. Mauro BOGGASSIINI, 0.8.3., Director, Presidial Infirmary, lat Z.A.T., Milan Member

Adelio ZANASI, Engineer, Italian Air Registry, Milan Office "

Domenico GASIAGNA, Engineer, Director of the Turin-Caselle Civil Airport "

Commander Dino GCNZADI, Representative of the National Association of Civil Anation Pilots, [Italian abbreviation] A.N.P.A.G. "

(NOTE: The representative of the A.N.P.A.C. , Comander GONZADI, failed to appear and did not participate in the work of the Board.)

The Government of the United State appointed as its representative Hr. Martyn V. CLARKE of the Civil Aeronautics Board.

(f) Date and time of arrival of the Board of Inquiry at the scene of the crash

The first on-the-spet examination of the wreckage was made by the Board on June 27, 1959 at about 9:00 am.

0 H A P T E R I I swam DESCRIPTION OF TEE CRASH Reconstruction of the flighj

The aircraft lbw-A, No. 7313/c owned by Trans World Airlines, a U.S. airline, took off from the Malpensa airport at 11:20 pm. on June 26, 1959 on a regular scheduled flight (flight 891/26) to Paris, Orly.

After being in the air about 15 minutes, still in the climbing stage on the prescribed route (Halpensa - NDB Saronno - NDB Biella), the plane crashed to the ground from an altitude of about 11,000 feet in the vicinity of Olgiate Clone (Varese) and was demolished

Cons cnces: 59 passengers and 9 crew members killed. The aircraft was completely demolished. Part of the cargo was recovered.

Damage at the paint of impact: slight damage to objects, no injury to persons.