Page:CTRL0000034602 - Transcribed Interview of Jeffrey Clark, (November 5, 2021).pdf/4

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  Good morning. This is a deposition of Jeffrey B. Clark, conducted by the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol, pursuant to House Resolution 503.

Mr. Clark, if you could please state your full name and spell your last name for the record.

The Witness. Sure. Jeffrey B. Clark. Clark is C-l-a-r-k.

 . This will be a staff-led deposition. Members of the select committee, I believe, are already in attendance and may also choose to ask questions.

My name is   and I'm the chief investigative counsel to the select committee. I think we have Vice Chair Cheney, Ms. Lofgren, two members of the select committee, who are attending via Webex.

We are conducting a deposition in person.

So, under the House deposition rules, neither committee members nor staff may discuss the substance of the testimony that you provide today, unless the committee approves release. This is essentially an executive session of the select committee.

You and your attorney will have an opportunity to review the transcript. The court reporter is taking a verbatim account of the testimony. And you'll have a chance, Mr. Clark, to read that and review it before it is finalized to ensure that it is correct.

Before we begin, I would like to describe just a few ground rules. We'll follow the House deposition rules that we have provided to your counsel, Mr. MacDougald, previously. Under the House deposition rules, counsel for other persons or government agencies may not attend, but you are permitted to have your attorney present, and I see that you do have your attorney with you.