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the counting of the electoral votes.

Q Okay. So what were those differing views that you --

A Well, the different views was the President was getting -- he was getting advice from lawyers that was contrary to the advice that the Vice President was getting, and you had battling lawyers.

And I'm telling you that,  , as somebody who was watching it. And my legal experience is I took constitutional law in college. That's it.

Q So seeing where you were -- or being where you were and seeing what you saw, what was the Vice President's perspective on those issues?

A I don't -- we didn't -- on those issues we didn't really talk, because those were issues what were not, quote, national security related, so he didn't talk to me about them, and I didn't press him on it.

I saw it from a distance, a periphery. And if I've talked to Marc Short about it, frankly, the guy that he on those issues he was talking to was Marc Short, and -- not Matt Moore. I'm trying to remember -- he always had the -- his counsel.

Mr.  . Was it Greg Jacob?

The Witness. Yeah. Yeah. Yes, it was Greg Jacobs.

BY MR.  :

Q Another report related to this is that you attended a rocket launch in Florida with the Vice President and his family and you talked about some of this election-related pressure with the Vice President on the way there or on the way back. And I know that's a general question, but is that accurate?

A No. I don't -- no, not at all. I don't remember talking at all about that on the flight there to or from.

Q Let me read you this. So this is, again, a quote from the book. It says: