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A Yeah.   it wasn't disappointed.

Q You tell me the word then.

A Well, it wasn't disappointed. I think -- well, maybe it is disappointed or unfortunate, the fact is, because, again,   what I saw for 4 years in the campaign before that, how close they had gotten. I mean, it was an incredibly close relationship. It was truly when there were hard decisions to be made, the last person to make the comment in the room was the Vice President. Or they would move to the -- from the Oval to the small Presidential dining room and talk about it.

So when I saw -- I saw that relationship, which was a -- became a fractured relationship. And that was so disappointing to me, because they're both, to me, I told you before, I love them both and served with them both.

Q Fractured, then, that's a better word than disappointed.

Tell me more what the basis of that was. What did you see that was sort of manifestations of the fracture, the change in that relationship?

A Well, the fact that it was so -- that, you know, a personal relationship, you see the fact that they're not talking like they should.

And frankly, what I tried to do after what happened up in Capitol Hill is I tried to in one way mend the relationship. And that's when I recommended to Jared Kushner, to Ivanka, to Marc Short, and I think it may have been to Mark Meadows, but I don't know, that the President award the Vice President the Presidential Medal of Freedom, much like Obama did with Biden, to try to heal the rift. That was my contribution to what I thought to heal it.

Mr. Coale. Could I interject here?

Mr.  . Sure.

Mr. Coale. I just -- when was that in relation to January 6th, when you