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that relationship with them both. And I saw them both.

And that goes back to an earlier question. What disturbed me was knowing both of them and saw that fracture, that I was one of the very few that was -- had been there from 2016 -- '15, '16, on through the election, the whole time. I saw that. I saw the personal relationship develop.

Mr.     or   do you have any questions along this line?

BY MR.  :

Q Yeah. Just tell us, General Kellogg, what, if anything, you discussed with the Vice President about his role with respect to the electoral college, what he should or shouldn't do when it came to that joint session of Congress.

A   I didn't talk to him at all about it because it was not my lane.

Q Okay.

A And he had his lawyers with him. He had Marc Short with him. And it was not something I got involved with, and I stayed away from it. And oh, by the way, he didn't talk to me about it either, and neither did Marc Short.

Q Okay. So no discussions at any time, not just on the airplane, but ever, about the election allegations that the election was somehow stolen?

A Not on the election allegations, not at all. I did make the comment, like I said to  , that I told him on a personal level that, you know, I said, you know, that any political figure who stands like this, you know, has to be admired because so many of them don't stand for what they believe in. And that's it.

Q I appreciate that.

You mentioned earlier that you were -- I think you used the word "disappointed" in the breach or the tension between these two men, the President and the Vice President?