Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/253

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n. All claims shall be one hundred feet front, running into the moun- tain to such ilepch as the parties locating may desire.

III. Tliat it is necessary to thoroughly prospect the said ground, and that the prospecting of one claim will test the whole. All persons holdmg claims are requested to assist in running in a cut^to be commenced so soon as it

rains, and all persons who may assist in the cut shall be entitled to one claim \^^^

extra as discoverers.

IV. All claims not represented in the cut shall have two full day's work in six, done on them, or otherwise are subject to forfeiture.

V. Where claims are not workable for waiit of water, a notice shall be placed on them and renewed every thirty days.

VI. John Wharton, Sr, was duly elected recorder of said district, and all claims shall be duly recorded within three days from day of location or transfer.

At a meeting of the miners of Willow Hollow was held at the Willow Valley house, in Nevada town- ship, on Monda}^, January 23d, to organize a new mining district:

On motion it was resolved that this district be called the Willow Valley Mining District, and is bounded as follows, viz: On the south commencing at Beck's rancho — running with the wagon road to the foot of Saccarrappa Flat, then southeast, to the head of Mosquito creek, thence east to Slate creek — including both l)anks of said stream; east by Slate creek, on the north by the Sugar Loaf movintain range, and west by Beck's rancho. On motion of S. B. Herrick, the following laws were adopted : Sec. 1 . The size of claims on gulch or ravine diggings shall be one hun- dred feet long, and across the same, from bank to bank, on flats, one hundred y' feet square. The discoverer shall be entitled to two claims of the above size. The discoverer of quartz leads shall be entitled to two hundred feet in length by the width of the lead, including its dips and angles, and all others one hundred feet in length.

2. All claims hereafter located, or re-located, shall be plainly marked out by a stake at each end, with the owners' name inscribed thereon, and aljo actual work done on them  ; they must also be recorded within three days thereafter. The recorder shall receive fifty cents for each claim recorded.

3. The work done on gulch, ravine, or flat claims shall be commenced within fifteen days after they are in a workable condition, and cayote claims within twenty days. The size of cayote claims shall be sixty feet square, and shall be prosecuted so long as said claims are workable, or they shall be subject to re-location by posting notices on both ends of said claim, with the owner's name on them, and commencing and prosecuting the work so long as they are in a workable condition.

4. Each man in the district may hold one hill claim, one ravine claim, one flat claim, and one quartz claim by location, and as many more as he has already, or may hereafter purchase; provided he has bona fide bills of sale of the same.

5. A company or companies working upon one claim where they have claims adjoining, or upon tail-races, ditches, shafts, or sluice-boxes, for the purpose of working claims, shall be considered as working upon said claims.

6. These laws may be altered or amended at a regular meeting of the miners of this district, notice of which shall be posted in three public places, ten days previous to the meeting.

7. The recorder shall be elected by ballot, and his term of office shall * continue one year.

8. Any person who shall violate or refuse to be governed by the laws of. this district, shall not be entitled to hold mining ground in