Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/254

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the same.

9. All water running in its natural channel belongs to the miners on said channel, each miner having a right to use the same on his own ground.

10. All claims held by companies or individuals in this district shall Ijc recorded by the 1st of January.

11. These laws are not intended to apply to private rights, heretofore obtained in accordance with the common customs and usages of miners.

At a meeting of the miners of Bear river, for the purpose of making laws and regulations for said min- ing locality, it was resolved  :

1. That the newly discovered mining district shall be known as Mammoth Springs diggings.

'2. That all claims in the bed of the river shall be ninety feet in length, running up or down said stream.

3. That the bed of the stream be considered that part of said stream lying between its bars and banks.

4. That all claims in bars or banks of said stream shall be sixty feet running up and down the same.

5. That notices of claims shall hold good for ten days from date of notice, when, if not worked, said claims are forfeited.

6. That all bank claims that are not workable shall hold good until they are workable.

A meeting of the miners of Mammoth Springs diggings was held, pursuant to previous notice, at the store of S. M. Young, on Bear river, when a recorder of claims in the district and judges were elected, and the following resolutions offered:

1. That the price of recording claims shall be one dollar for each claim.

2. That when miners are working on their claims said claims shall be considered good Avhether recorded or not.

3. That river claims shall hold good until considered workable by a majority of miners of this district.

4. That the boundaries of Mammoth Springs diggings be considered from Wm Bradley & Co. 's claim up the river to Bear valley.

5. That no person be allowed more than one workable claim at a time by location.

G. That a person may hold as many claims by purchase as he thinks proper.

7. That claims in this district if not represented or recorded within ten days from this date shall be considered jumpable.

8. As amendment to resolution, know, too, that the time for workmg the bed of the stream shall be the first of June.

9. That a copy of these laws be left in possession of the recorder, and the chairman of this meeting.

10. That the laws of this district heretofore enacted and also the proceed- ings of this meeting be published in the Nevada Journal and Yomnj A menca.

At a meeting of the miners in Nevada county, Januarv 15, 1854, the followino; laws were read and adopted :

Sec. 1. The name of this mining ground shall be called Myres Ravine Mining district.

2d. Said district is bounded as follows: On the east by the Native Ameri- can ravine, south by West Hill district, west by a straight north and south line running past the head waters of Myres ravine to the Yu