Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/645

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imposision now about to be carried out against him by sich high handed and mercanary arrovvgance on the part of the Accused.

"Sonora city, November 5, 1851.

"R. C. BARRY, J. P."

The duties of coroner devolved upon a justice of the peace. Barry had a pecuhar mode of recording liis procedures, which is best illustrated by quoting from his writings.

No. 3. "George Williams who cutt his throt with a razor October 20, 1850. Having heerd the evidense it is evident it is a case of felloday see. Said Williams had no property that I could find out.

"Justice fees, $10.

"R. C. BARRY."

" No 5. T. Newly killed by Fuller who shot him with a gunn, January 30, 1851, I found no property on the diseased. After trying Fuller and finding him gilty, he was comitted by me, and sentenced by the cort to two years' confinement. He broke jale and run off."

" No. 1 6. Inquest on the boddy of a Chileno boy, one of Snow's murderers, hun'*- hy the mob on Dargun creek, June 25, 1851. Noboddy seems to no who did it, he deserved to die."

A knotty case arose at Calaveras in 1852, which is not settled to this dav. Provender durino; that winter was very scarce. One night several donkeys, the property of certain well-known citizens, ruminating upon their hungry lot, encountered a clothes-line, the only one in those parts which could display among its gray and woolen bunting, that bloodtingling sight, a sacred white petticoat.

No sooner had he espied the prize than lifting up his voice, the oldest donkey blew loudly his horn, whereat he and his comrades made a general attack. Soon the clothes-line was cleared and the shivering bowels of the mules were comforted with a coverinsf