Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/646

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of divers garments such as men and women use. The question for the Themis of the foothills to settle was whetherthese clothes, so safely locked within hairy peripatetic trunks, might be recovered by action of replevin or left to digestion. A Chinaman who was asked his opinion replied "Jackass eaty Melican man shirt, belly good, belly good 1 "

An account of a law suit in the mountains given by an eyewitness, pictures the justice seated on a claret-box before a fire in his splitboard shanty frying a beefsteak for his dinner. The defendant enters.

" How are you judge. Isn't it time to begin the trial ? This is the fourth time I have come here; first the plaintiff was not ready with his witness, then your honor was absent, and the third time the plaintiff's witness did not swear to suit him. Now I think we had better try the case before another justice as I want you for a witness myself"

"Await the arrival of the others and we will see," replied the judge, cutting off a piece of the steak and beginning to eat. While thus engaged the plaintiff enters with his attorney.

"Well, judge, we are ready; don't want any witness. I'll tell you the story and that will settle the matter. My client owed the defendant fifteen dollars, and was the owner of a horse which he turned over to the defendant with a writing^ statins; that if he did not pay the fifteen dollars within ten days, the defendant might sell the horse and pay himself out of the proceeds. The ten days passed and neither the money was paid nor the horse sold. Now we tender the money and sue to recover the horse. That's the whole of it; now take a pen right away and render judgment in favor of the plaintiff."

"The defendant wants me for a witness," said the judge, munching his bread and beef-steak, " and therefore asks to have the case brought before another justice, but I don't think it necessary."