Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/834

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Hamljleton, Mrs, death of, 238-9.

Hardcoop, death of, 97-8.

Hardy, Judge J. H., the Terry case,

1859, 773; indicted for murder, 774. Haraszthy, Augustin, of U. S. branch

mint, 342. Hargraves, story of, 65. Hashrouck, H. C., mention of, 554. Hastings, L. W., the Downer tragedy,

99. Haverstick, Registrar, trial before,

639. Hawkins, J., duel with Dowdigan,

1854, 758-9. Hayes, Alderman, duel with Nugent,

1853, 754-5. Hayes, T., Terry's second, 771. Healdsburg, squatter troubles near,

411-12. Herbert, P. T., mention of, 759. Hertz, H., story of, 800-12. Hill, D., campaign at the lava beds,

1872-3, 495. Hitchcock, C. M., mention of, 760. Hizer, Lieut, campaign at the lava

beds, 1872^, 498. Hoadley, M., robbery, etc., of, 1877,

644-0. Holderbaum, A., the Chico riots,

1877, 573; trial of, 579. Holiday, outrage of, 410-11. 'Hooker Jim,' campaign at the lava

beds, 1872-3, 492, 498; surrender

of, 558. Hot creek, Indians of, 483-4, 487. Hovey, E., death of, 552. Howard & Mellus, mention of, 345. Howe, Lieut, campaign at the lava

beds, 187-23, 549, 554. Hoyt, exped. of. 33. Hubert, N., duel with Hunt, 1854,

759. Hudson, story of, 728-32. Hunt, G. T., duel with Hubert, 1854,

759. Hunt, Major, mention of, 468. Hunter, J., duel with Pitcher, 782. Huntington, Superintendent, treaty

with Indians, 1864, 446-7.

Idaho, convicts of, 431.

Immigration, character of, 361-3.

Irish, polit. influence of, 561.

Indians, traffic with, 436-7; employment of, 438^2; treaties with, 1864, 446-50; the Modoc war, 446560.

Inge, S.W., duel with Stanley, 750.

Jack, Capt., treaty with, 1864, 44650; negotiations with, 450-1, 457-9; 405-9, 483-4; at Modoc point, 451; at Lost river, 451, 454; complaints of, 452; land claimed by, 453-5; raids, etc., of, 1870-1, 455-7; conference with, 1871, 459-GO; 1872, 465-6; insolence of, 46G-9; attempted arrest of, 470^3; campaign at the lava beds, 1872-3, 488-504, 547-57; message to Canby, 522-5; conference with peace commiss., 538-42; massacre of commiss., 5426; surrender and execution of, 558.

Jackson, Capt. J., at Ft Klamath, 1S70, 457; affray with Modocs, 1872, 470-2; campaign at the lava beds, 1872-3, 490-504.

.Jews, status, etc., of in Cal., 372-4.

Jimeno grant, disturbance at, 1853, 410.

Jones, H. J., the Chico riots, 1887, 572.

Jones, H. T., conviction of, 1877, 579.

Jones, W. H., the Hayes-Nugent duel, 1853, 755.

Johnson, Dr, sayings of, 663-6.

Johnson, G. P., duel with Ferguson, 1858, 762-3; trial of, 763.

Johnson, Sheriff, mention of, 403-4.

Judiciary, character of, 582-5, 590; stories of the, 591-657.

Justice, administ., etc., of, 586-656.


Kanakas, employment of, 441-2.

Kearn, D., mention of, 448.

Kelly, Capt. H., the Modoc outbreak,

1872, 482; campaign at the lava

beds, 1872-3, 491-503. Kelsey, G., story of, 1850, 617-21. Kemble, E. C, duel with McDougal,

1851, 751. Ketchum, suit of, 639. Kewen, A., duel with Woodlief, etc.,

1854, 760-1. Keys, Capt., m'^ntion of, 403. Kiesburg, the Donner tragedy, 97-8,

106-8. King, T. S., influence of, 798. Kingston, descript. of, 153. Klamath basin, petition from settlers

of, 1872, 403. Klamath, Fort, reservation at, 450;

forces at, 1870, 454. Klamaths, treaty with, 1864, 446-50;

raids of, 1863, 447.