Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/835

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Klaniaths, raids of, at Modoc point, 452-5: ca:npaigii at the lava beds, • 1872-3, 492-3.

Knapp, P. C, at Ft Klamath, 1870, 451-3; meetiag with Capt. Jack, 456; relieved, 1870, 457.

Knight, G., voyage of, 1719, SO.

Knight, S., duel with Easterbrook, 1859, 776.

Krng, C, duel with Loehr, 1853, 756-7.

Kyle, Lieut, J. G., the Modoc outbreak, 1872, 485; campaign at the lava beds, 1872-3, 490-501,

La Page, L., mention of, 779. Lagrode, the Terry-Broderick duel,

768. Lake county, justice in, 1865, 647-S. Lalake, Chief, raids of, 1863, 447,

454-5. Land commission, appointment, etc.

of, 1851, 398-9. Langell valley, Modoc raids, '73, 534. Langdon, S., duel with Ryer, '57, 761-2 Lark, Justice A., administ. of, 1854,

646-7. Larkin, T. 0., statements of, 1846,

53-4. Lansquenet, descript. of, 700-3. Lava beds, descript. of, 4S8-9; campaign of the, 1872-3, 490-505, 547 57. Law-courts, 298; descript. of, 590 656. Lawson, F., mention of, 406. Leary, Lieut, mention of, 554. Lee, B., story of, 354-5. Leggett, W., duel with Morrison,

1852, 752. Lemm, C, the Chico riots, 1877, 574. Leon, P. de, duel with Velasco, 744. Levi, sham duel of, 1859, 775. Lewis. T. D. P., duel with Somers, ■ 1853, 757.

Lewis, duel with Anderson, 1866, . 780.

Lick, J., squatter troubles of, 405. I.inkville, alarm at, 1873, 534-5. Loehr, Dr, duel with Krug, 1853,

756-7. Loker, T., suit of, 1850, 619-21. London, J. S., duel with Hacker,

1854, 759-60. Lopez, F., gold discov'd by, 1842,

47-S. Los Angeles, descript. of Negro Alley,

562-3; Chinese riot at, 1871, 563-4.

Los Angeles, outrages on Chinese at, 564-7; inquest at, 5G7-8; duelling at, 1852, 753-4; 1870, 783.

Lost river, Indian raids near, 1864, 449; 1870-1, 455-7; camp on, 1873, 505.

Lower California, coast of, 216.

Ludington, Inspector, report of, 1871, 4G0-1.

Lundy, E. B., duel with Dibble, etc., 1851, 751-2.

Luttrell, J. K., mention of, 556.


Magruder, Col, mention of, 753-4. ]^Jahoney, J., trial of, 1877, 579. Mammoth trees, descript. of, 14-15. Manoa, fabled treasures of, 226. Manzanillo, descript. of, 215. Mariposa, grove, descript. of, 15. Marshall, J. W., the golddiscov.. 57 8, 63-76; mining adventure of, 232. Martinez, adventure of, 226. Marysville, justice at, 1850, 610-11,

623. Mason, Col, the Modoc outbreak,

1872, 487-8; campaign at the lava

beds, 1872-3, 494-5, 502, 547-50. Mason, story of, 442. Matthewson, the emeute at Carson

jail, 1877, 429-30. May, E., murder of, 580. May, Senator, duel with Rowe, 1853,

757. Mazatlan, descript. of, 215-16. McChristian, P., story of, 385-6. McCorkle, J. W., duel with Gwin,

1853, 756.

McDonald, story of, 1814, 745. McDougal, G., duel with Kemble,

1851, 751.

McDougal, Gov., mention of, 760. McDougal, J., duel with Russell,

1852, 756.

McEldery, affray with Modocs, 1872,

470. McFarland co., suit of the, 641-2. McGowan, E., stories of, 602-4. McKay, D., campaign at the lava

beds, 1872-3, 492-3, 547. McKibbin, J., Broderick's second,

771. McKune, affray with Judge Wilson,

1852, 640. McNabb, J., mention of, 779. McNamara, Capt., J., campaign in

the lava beds, 1872-3, 494. Meiggs, H., defalcation, etc., of,

1854, 287-90.