Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/836

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Meacham, Superintendent, negotiations of, 420-1; treatment of Indians, 452; policy of, 457-8; at Ft Klamath, 1870, 457; conference with Capt. Jack, 1871, 459 60; correspond, of, 1871-3, 460-4, 5302; relieved, 1872, 464; chairman of peace commission, 1873, 507; instructions to, 526; disgust of, 527-6; interview with Capt. Jack, 535-6: conference with Modocs, 538—42; attempted assass. of, 543.

Mendenhall, Capt. J., mention of, 554.

Menzies, R., duel with Benson, 1854, 7.59.

Miller, H. F., mention of, 460; death of, 476.

Miller, Lieut, campaign at the lava beds, 1872-3, 494-5, 548-9.

Mills, Capt. C. S., mention of, 486.

Miners, characteristics, etc., of, 24759, 364-6, 381-95; fortune and misfortunes, 383-4; stories of, 385-94.

Mining, descript. of, 228-30; discrimination against foreigners, 232-6; regvilations and disputes, 236-47; camps, 381-2, 394; stories, 385-94, 807-9, 815-17.

Modocs, name, 446; treaty with, 1804, 446-50; raids of, 1863, 447; 1870-2, 455-82; removed to reservation, 450-1; treatment of, 451-2; affray with, 1872, 470-3; campaign of the lava beds, 1872-3, 488-504; 547-57; the peace commiss., 505-42; massacred by, 542-6; surrender and disposal of, 557-9.

Mokelumne river, duelling on the, 1851, 750-1.

Money making, remarks on, 302.

ISIontana, penitentiary of, 431-2.

Monterey, descript. of, 222.

Montour, duel with Pillet, 1813, 745.

Monte, descript. of, 711.

Moore, H. de W., the Modoc outbreak, 1872, 488.

Moore, Lieut, campaign at the lava beds, 1872-3,494.

Morgan, A., mining claim of, 237-40.

Mormon island, Indians at, 1848, 438-41.

Morrison, J., duel with Leggett, 1852, 752.

Mountains of Cal., descript. of, 2-16.

Mulligan, W., mention of, 759; duel with Coleman, 1864, 778.

Murchison, Sir R., remarks of, 47.

Murphy, J. C, trial, etc, of, 629.

Murphy, camp of, 441.

Murray, B., letter of, 546-7. Murray, Judge, H. C, character, etc. of, 605-7.


Negro alley, (Los Angeles) descript.

of, 1871, 562-3. Nevada city, justice at, 1852, 626-7;

duelling at, 1851, 751-2. Newell, S. T., killing of, 774. NezPerces, trouble with, 1873, 528. Nicaragua, Lake, descript. of, 201-2. Nicaragua route, descript. of the, 198 202. Nieto, S., mention of, 748. Niles, Jiistice J., administ., etc. of,

640-3. 'North America,' wreck of the, 213 14. Northrup, M. V., duel with Evans,

1877, 784. Nugent, J., duels of, 1852, 754-5.

Oak grove, duelling at, 1852, 755-6;

1854, 758. Oakland, disturbance in, 1853, 408. O'Brien, J., affray with Hanley, 1877,

783. Odeneal, L. B., Ind, superintendent,

1872, 464—70; peace commissioner,

1873, 510.

Ohio Diggings, search for the, 231-2, Old Kentuck Co., suit against the,

641-2. Oregon, prisons of, 430-1; the Modoc

war, 446-50. Oroville, rioters tried at, 1877, 577-9. Otis, Major, the Modoc troubles,

1872, 464-9.

Pacific Mail Co., origin of, 125, operations, 125-6.

Pack-trains, descript. of, 331-2.

Palomares, F., narr. of, 747-8.

Panama bay, descript. of, 184—5.

Panama city, hist, sketch of, 158-9; descript. of, 1852, 179-87.

Panama, Isthmus, descript. of, 15588; travel across, 1852, 156-77; population, 183; climate, 184.

Park bar, mining dispute at, 1851, 246-7.

Park. T. W., duel with Brazer, 1854, 760.

Parker, R., story of, 348.