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General Bibliography


Publ. by K. Preuss. Histor. Ingtit. and Istituto storico 1907 ff-j in progress. Rerum Britannicarum medii aevi scriptores. (Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain %.nd Ireland during the Middle Ages.) Published under direction of (Various editors.) London. 1858 ff. (Rolls.) [For the Master of the Rolls. convenient list see Gross, App. C.] Rerum Gallicarum et Frauciscarum scriptores. (Recueil des hist, des Gaules et de Ed. Bouquet, M. and others. 2-3 vols. 1738-1876. 'ols. i-xix la France.) re-ed. hy Delisle, L. 1868-80, and vol. xxiv, 189-1. New series. 4°. 1899, in progress. (Bouquet.) Scriptores rerum Danicarum medii aevi. Ed. Langebek, I. 9 vols. Copenhagen. (SRD.) 1772-1878. Scriptores rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum. Hanover. 1839 ff. Fresh series. 1890 if., in progress. 8°. [Contain revised editions of many of

Regesta chai-tarum italiano.




in Fol. edn.]


Selden Society, Publications of the. London. 1888 if. Stevenson, J. Church Historians of England. 8 vols. London. 1853-8. (Translations.) Select Charters and other illustrations of English Constitutional Stubbs, W. History to the reign of Edward 1. Oxford, 1870, and many repts. 9th edn. revd, Davis, H. W. C., 1913. Translation, 1873. Stumpf, K. F. Die Reichskanzler vornehmlich des x, xi und xii Jahrhunderts. 1865-8.3. 3 vols. Innsbruck. Theiner, A. Codex diplomaticus dominii temporalis S. Sedis. 3 vols. Rome. 1861-2. Italia sacra. 2nd edn. Coleti, N. 10 vols. Venice. 1717-22. Ughelli, F. Histoire generale de Languedoc. Vic, C. de, and Vaissete, J. J. New edn. Dulaurier, E. 16 vols. Toulouse. 1872-1904. Pontiiicum Romanorum qui fuerunt inde ab exeunte saeculo ix AVatterich, J. M. 1862. usque ad finem saeculi xii, vitae. 2 vols. Leipsic.

MODERN WORKS. Alzog, J. Cniversalgeschichte der Kirche. Mainz. 1841. Best edn. 10th by Kraus, F. X. 1882. Transl. (from 9th German edn.) Pabisch, F. J. and Byrne, T. S. Manual of Church History. 4 vols. Dublin. 189.5-1900. Balzani, U. Le cronache italiane nel Medio Evo. Milan. 3rd edn. revd. 1909. Baronius, Ca>s. Annales Ecclesiasticae una cum critica hi.storica chronologica P. A. Pagii, contin. Raynaldus, O. Ed. Mansi, ^J. D. Lucca. 34 vols. 1738-46. Apparatus, 1 vol. lude.x, 4 vols. N^ew edn. Bar1740, 1757-9. 1864-83. le-duc. Below, G. von, and Meiuecke, F. Handbuch der mittelalterlichen und neueren Geschichte. Munich and Berlin, 1903 ff., in progress. S'ee below, Redlich. Bernheim, Ernst. Lehrbuch der historischen Methode und der Geschichtsphilosophie. Leipsic. (.5th and 6th enlarged edn.; 1908. Bresslau, H. Handbuch der Urkuudenlehre fiir Deutschland und Italien. Leipsic. 1889. Vol. I. 2nd edn. enlarged. 1912. Brown, G. B. Tlie Arts in Early England. 5 vols. London. 1903 ff., in progress. Brunner, H. Deutsche Rechtsgeschichte. 2 vols. Leipsic. 1887-92. Vol. i.

2nd edn.


Grundziige der deutschen Rechtsgeschichte. 6th edn. Munich and Leipsic. 1913. [Excellent bibliographies.]

Bryce, J. dTie Holy Roman Empire. Enl. edn. Loudon. 1907.<* , Bury, J. B. A History of the Eastern Roman Empire from the fall of Irene to the accession of Basil 1 (802-867^. London. ll)12. Caetani, L. C. (Ducadi Sermoneta). Annali dell’ Islam. Vols. i-vii. Milan. 1905-14.