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General Bibliography

Cambridge History of English Literature, The. Ed. Ward, A. W. and Waller, A. R. 14 vols. Cambridge. 1907-14.

Carlyle, R. W. and A. J. A history of Mediaeval Political Theory in the West. Edinburgh and London. 1903 ff., in progress.

Dozy, R. P. A. Hist, des Mussulmans d’Espagne de 711-1110. 4 vols. Leyden. 1861. Transl. Stokes, F. G. Spanish Islam a hist, of the Moslems in Spain. Introd. and notes. London. 1913.

——— Recherches sur I’hist. polit. et litt. de I’Espagne pendant le moyen age. Vol. I. Leyden. 1849 [all pubd]. 3rd edn. enl. with app. 2 vols. Paris,Leyden. 1881.

Ebert, A. Allgemeine Geschichte der Litteratur des Mittelalters im Abendland. 3 vols. Leipsic. 1874-87. 2nd edn. of vols. i and ii. 1889.

England, A History of, in seven volumes. Ed. Oman, C. London. 1905 ff.

——— The Political History of. Ed. Hunt, W. and Poole, R. L. 12 vols. London. 1905 ff. (Cf. sub nom.)

Ficker, G. and Hermelink, H. Das Mittelalter. 1912. Vol. 2 of Handb. d. Kirchengesch. für Studirende. Ed. Krüger, G. 4 vols. Tubingen. 1907 ff.

Finlay, G. Ed. Tozer, H. F. History of Greece, B.C. 146 to A.D. 1864. 7 vols. Oxford. 1877.

Flach, J. Les origines de l’ancienne France, xe et xie siècles. Vols. i-iv. Paris. 1886-1917.

Fleury, Claude. Histoire ecclésiastique. 20 vols. Paris. 1691-1720. Continued to end of 18th century under Vidal, O. Many editions. [Orig. edn. to 1414. 4 add. vols. by FI. to 1517, pub. Paris, 1840.]

Fustel de Coulanges, N. D. Histoire des Institutions politiques de I’ancienne France. Completed and ed. Jullian, C. 6 vols. Paris. 1888-92.

Gay, J. L'Italie méridionale et l’Empire byzautin. (867-1071.) EcfrAR. 1904.

Gebhardt, B. Handb. d. deutschen Gesch. 2 vols. Stuttgart. 1891-2.

Geschichte der europaischen Staaten. Ed. Heeren, A. H. L. and Ukert, F. A. Hamburg and Gotha. 1819-98. (Series by various writers, cf. sub nom.) (Heeren.) Contin. ed. Lamprecht, K. Allgemeine Staatengeschichte. (Lamprecht.)

Gibbon, Edward. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 1776-81. Ed. in 7 vols. by Bury, J. B. 1896. Latest edn. 1909 ff. (Bury Gibbon. ) [Notes essential especially for bibliography.]

Giesebrecht, W. von. Geschichte der deutschen Kaiserzeit. Vols. i-v. Brunswick and Leipsic. 1855-88. i-iii (5th edn.). Leipsic. 1881-90. iv (2nd edn.). Brunswick. 1899. vi (ed. Simson, B. von). Leipsic. 1895.

Gieseler, J. C. L. Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschichte. Bonn. 3 vols. 1824 ff. and 6 vols. in 5, 1828-57. Transl. Davidson, S. 5 vols. Edinburgh, 1854, and Cunningham, Text-book of Ecclesiastical History. Philadelphia. 3 vols. 1836.

Gregorovius, F. Geschichte der Stadt Rom im Mittelalter. 8 vols. Stuttgart. 1859-72. (Translated from 4th edition by Mrs A. Hamilton. London. 1894 1902. 8 vols. in 13.)

Harnack, G. C. A. Dogmeugeschichte. Tübingen. 1905. 5th edn. 1914. (Grundriss d. theolog. Wissenschatten, iv, 3.)

Hartmann, L. M. Geschichte Italieus im Mittelalter. i-iv 1. Gotha. 1897-1915, in progress. (No. 42 of Heeren.)

Hauck, A. Mirchengeschichte Deutschlauds. 5 vols. Leipsic. 1887-1920. Vols. 1-4. 4th edn. 1906-13. Vol. 5. 2nd edn. 1911-20.

Hefele, C. J., contin. Hergenröther, J. A. G. Conciliengeschichte. 9 vols. Freiburg-i.-B. 1855 ff. 2nd edn. 1873 ff. French transl. Delarc, O. 1869. New Fr. transl. Leclercq, H. i-viii 1. Paris in progress. 2nd edn. 1914 ff., in progress.