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Index Eomanesque




Europe, 552 sq., 556 sqq.; influence on Gothic, 563 sq. Aroulf, pUgriraage of, 507, 544 122 count of, see Godfrey Avenues, the, Arfferie, Archbishop of MUan, 157 Ardoin, Marquess of Ivrea, King of Lombardy, revolts, 175 sq.; King of Lombardy, 177, 220; his party, 221, 240; first war with Henry II, 222 224, 239 attacks Lombard bishops, 240, 244 sq. second war with Henry II, 242, 244; death of, 245; sons of, 246 Ardoin Glabrio, Count (Marquess) of Turin, 157 sq. defeats the Saracens, 168 ^ •Arezzo, Bishop of. See John Argentea, 420 sq. Argenteuil, 2 Viking defeat at, 93 Arians, 489 Aribert, presbyter of Milan, 246 Archbishop of Milan, 251, 2.59; supports Conrad II, 264; his ambitions, 265 sq.; deposed by Conrad II, 267,277; excommunicated, 267; reconciled to Henry III, 277 death of, 291 Aribo, Archbishop of Mayence, 250 sq.; supporter of Conrad II, 254 sq.; Arch-chancellor of Italy and of Germany, 255 Ari FrdfSi, cited, 317 Aristotle, 535 Aristotle, Grammar of, 515 Aides, kingdom of, and the Empire, 147; counts of, see Fulorad, WiUiam ; archbishops of, 282; see Manasse; art and architecture in, 553, 557 Arles-sur-Teeh, Vikings at, 320 Armagh, abbacy of, usurped by Turgeis, 317; 330 Armengol, Count of Urgel, 427 Armenia, architecture in, 547 Armorica, Celtic population of, 128 Arnold, Archbishop of Bavenna, 242 sq. Arnold I, Count of Flanders, 92, 189 Arnold II, Count of Flanders, 93 Arnold of Lambach, given the Carinthian Mark, 270 note 1 Arnold, vassal of Thietmar, 293 Amstadt, diet of (954), 199 Amulf Emperor, Duke of Carinthia, 58 sq. proclaimed King of Germany, 62 sqq., 71 sq.; war with Moravia, 64 sqq.; invades Italy, crowned Emperor, 66, 454 Eodolph I of Burgundy, 135 defeats the Vikings, 322; leath of, 68; 164 Amulf the Bad Duke of Bavaria, 69 sq., 205 note def,.ated in the Veneto, 156 Henry the Fowler and, 180, 184 ; Otto I and, 187 death of, 188 Arnulf Archbishop of Milan, 245 sq. Amulf, Archbishop of Eheims, 99 ; imprisoned, 100 abdicates, 101 sq., 211, 455; restored, 103 sq. Arnulf, Bishop of Orleans, 101, 455 Amulf, Count in Lorraine, 64 Amulf, son of Amulf the Bad, Count pala• tine in Bavaria, 188 •






Aroohe, mines at, 432 Arrabal del Sur, 415 Arras, burnt by Northmen, 88 added to Flanders, 92; recaptured, ih. Arsenal Library, Paris, MS. in, 526 Arsenius, Bishop of Orta, 42 Art, ch. XXI in the Eastern Empire, 538 sqq. in the West, 551 sqq.; in Muslim Spain, 436 sq. See Architecture, Mosaic, Illuminated MSS. Artaud (Artald), Archbishop of Eheims, 76 sqq.; 1;#4 Artois, seized by Baldwin II, 92 ArziUa, Viking raid on, 317 Ashdown, Battle of, 352 Ashington, 385 AsiaMmor, architecture in, 539, 541, 545 sqq. Askol’d (Hoskuldr), in Kiev, 327 Asselin (Adalbero) Bishop of Laon, 100 sqq 102, 104 sq. Asser, Bishop of Sherborne, 358 361 chronicler, cited, 349 biographer of Alfred, cited, 352, 534 Assize of the Forest, 471 Asti, city of, 165 bishop of, see Alric Astorga, siege of, 425 Astronomus,” life of Louis the Pious bv, 534 Asturias, Visigoths in, 409 sq.; 431; 438; kings of, see Alfonso, Pelayo Asturica, Bishop of. See Polemius Atenolf I, Count of Capua, Prince of Benevento, 150 Athelney, 355 Abbey of, 358 abbot of, see John; Alfred’s church at, 560 Atino, added to Spoleto, 48 Attigny, Louis I at, 12 24, 34 ; Louis the German at, 36, 51 Charles the Bald at, 42, 44; Otto at, 78, 80; Otto at, 208 Atuyer, added to Burgundy, 93 Aubrey, lord of Montresor, 119 Audax, grammarian, 493 Audoen, St, 490 Au^gisl (Auisle), brother of Olaf the White, 317 sq. Au«r (Ota), 317, 331 AufSr, the Deej-Minded, 325, 331 Augsburg, Louis the German at, 17; Hungarians near, 69; 199; diet at (952), 190, 195 ; bishops of, see Brano, Henry, Ulric ; Henry II at, 216, 224 Conrad the




names ?ip7;_ Henry III his heir at, 269 ; Henry III at, 287, 290; annals of, cited, 278 Younger

at, 256,


Augustine, author of De mirabilibus Scripturae, 5(^ Augustine, St, of Canterbury, mission to the En^ish, 488 • Augustine, St, of Hippo, the Citu of God, 445, 488; Catagoriaesoi^SlG Auisle. See AuSgisl

Aulus GiHlius. See Gellius, Aulus Aurelian, Archbishop oj Lyonq. 57 Aurora, Sultana, 424 sqq. ' AusWia, county of, 9()

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