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Austrasia, 23, 27 Austria. See East Mark Autun, given to Pepin, 10; 97; counts of, see GObert, Moduin, Theodorie; diocese of, 124 ; Boso of Provence and, 137 learning in, 502 ; cathedral of, 557 Auvergne, pillaged by Northmen, 87; LouisV

91 97 ; count of, see Bernard Auxerre, besieged, 106 97 count at,

of, see

Conrad Auxerrois, the, 24 Avallon, given to Pepin, 10 94, 97

Bhrgundy and, captured by Robert the Pious, 106

count of, see Gilbert Aversa, given to Ranulf 268 in chief, 292 Avienus, 524 ,

made a tenure

294, 301, 307.

of, 68, 70,


205, 222 sq.,


Baldric, missus, 6 I

Iron-arm, Count of Flanders, and

Judith, 39, 41 ; 92 Baldwin II the Bald, Count of Flanders,

submits to Odo, 72 92 Baldwin III, son of Arnold I of Flanders, 92 Baldwin IV, Count of Flanders, takes Valenciennes, 106, 227 sq.; takes Ghent, 228; closes Ghent, 250 Baldwin V, of Lille, Count of Flanders, 111 287; guardian of Philip I, 110, 122; joins Godfrey of Lorrain^292 sqq. ; submits to Henry III, 295; 297; again revolts, 298; 299 ; ally of Earl Godwin, 394, 398 Baldwin VI, son of Baldwin V of Flanders, granted March of Antwerp,, 287, 292 marries Bicheldis of Hainault, 295; re. volts, 298 Baldwin IX, of Constantinople, Count of Flanders, 471 Baldwin Bauce, and the Flemish March, 93 Balearic Islands, ravaged by VikiiZgs, 320 Balj,*“Smir, 405 Ballon, bart^e at (845), 31 Bamberg (Babenberg), see of, established,



(Ireland), monastic school of, 501. 509 ; abbot of, see Mosuin Mac Armin Autiphonary of, 502 sq. Bangor (Wales), 342 Barbarian invasions, flight of scholars to Ireland before, 501 sq. Barbarus Scaligeri, chronicle, 497 Barcelona, 413 Saracens at, 8, 13 Bernard,

Badajoz, 417 Badbury Rings, 361 Badr, Ifajib, 421 Badr, slave of ‘Abd-ar-Rahman I, 410 sq. Bagdad, caliphate of, 430 university at, 433 coins from, in Sweden, 333 Bagseag, Viking leader, 352 Bakewell, 365 Baldred, under-king of Kent, 345



Avignon, Bishop of, 282 Avitus, Alcimus, 495, 516, 537 Avon (Bristol), river, 362 Avon (Worcs.), river, 354 Avranches, ceded to Normans, 94, 322 Axbridge, 357 Azelin of HUdesheim, 295 Azo, scriniarius, envoy to Germany, 161, 164 Az-Zahra, 423, 432 Azzo, an Otbertine Marquess, marries heiress of the Welfs, 265 Babenberg, House

sq., 241, 250; bishops of, see Adalbero, Clement II, Everard, Hartwioh Benedict VHI visits, 250 Henry II buried at, 252; diet of, 269; MSS. at, 521, 534; 163,299; see also Babenjjerg Bamborough, higl-reeves of, 351, 387;^ee House of, Ealdred, Oswulf, Waltheof

396, 398

229, 237


14; Almanzor in, 425, 428; privilege 441 counts of, and Gothia, 89 sq. 130. ,

See Berengar-Raymond, Borrel, Raymond, Raymond-Berengar, Sunifred, Wifred Bardas, 450

Bardney, monastery of, 351 Bardo, Archbishop of Mayence, 276 Barfe'r (Baraidh), kills Halfdanr, 318 Baret, Viking leader, 86 Bari, Saracens at, 49; capital of Longobardia, 150 attacked by Otto 1, 167 rebellion in (982), 169 besieged by Safi (1002), 177 sq. Bar-le-Duc, battle of, 123, 145, 267 Barnstaple, 357 Bar-sur-Aube, added to Langres, 96 111 Bar-sur-Seine, added to Langres, 96 Bartholomew, Bishop of Narbonne, deposed,

20, 4-50

Bartholomew, lord of I’lle-Bouchard, 119sq. Bartholomew, St, Acts of, 533 Baruch, Apocalypse of, 494 Baruch, Best of the Words of, 505 Basil, catapan, 250 sq. Basil I, Eastern Emperor, 49, 150 Basing, battle at, 352

Basingwerk, death of Coenwulf at, 343 seized by Basle, added to Burgundy, 69 Henry II, 141, 227 143 sq. seized by Conrad II, 256; 259; diocese of 45 bishop of, see Udalrich Basques, revolt of, 8 independence of, 410 under defeat Charles the Great, 413 Navarre, 428; language of, 501 Bassigny, 27 96 Bath, 357; 404; 553; Edmund’s foundation at, 373 sq.; Svein at, 383 Bautzen, taken by Boleslav, 222 recovered by Henry II, 225 peace with Poland at, 247 sq. 260 sq. besieged by Conrad II, 260 Bavaria, assigned to Lothar, 3 to Louis the



10, 13, 21;





Carloman, 51 ; invaded by Hungarians, 69 sq., 198 given to Otto of Swabia, 206 revolts in, against Otto I, 188, 197 sqq., against against Otto II, 204 sq. 205 relations to Germany, Otto III, 204 179 sqq., 207; and Swabia, 204; Chmch See also 'of. 206f 236; Law of, 284.