Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/18

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XIV Contents. page: Heresy and treason. Position of the Schmalkaldic League . . . 266 The Schmalkaldic War, 1646 266 Maurice and Ferdinand invade Ernestine Saxony 267 Break-up of the Protestant army. Negotiations with the South German towns . . 268 Hermann of Cologne resigns. Successes of John Frederick . , . 269 Paul III withdraws his troops. Charles in Saxony . ... 260 Battle of Miihlberg^ 1647. The Elector and the Landgrave prisoners . 261 The Diet of Augsburg. Proposed new League 262 Administrative measures of Charles. Tension between him and the Pope 263 The General Council. The Augsburg Interim, 1648 264 Nature and results of the Interim 266 The Leipzig Interim. Situation at Augsburg 266 Question of the imperial succession 267 Charles' power in. Germany undermined. Foreign affairs. . . . 268 Maurice prepares for desertion. War of Magdeburg .... 269 Negotiations with France. Successes of Maurice 270 Hans of Custrin. Treaty of Chambord, 1662 . 271 Flight of Charles V. Conference at Passau 272 Treaty of Passau. Siege of Metz, 1662 273 Albrecht Alcibiades. League of Heidelberg 274 Battle of Sievershausen^ 1663. Death of Maurice. Death of John Frederick^ 1664. Alhrecht Alcibiades expelled 276 Diet of Augsburg 276 Terms of the Religious Peace of Augsburg 277 Oujtis regio ejus religio. The new despotism 278 Results of the Reformation period in Germany 279 CHAPTER IX. THE REFORMATION IN FRANCE. By A. A. TiLUEY, M.A., Fellow of King's College. The need for Reform in France Independence of France. The Concordat of 1616 The Renaissance. Lefevre d'J^taples and Brifonnet . The Meaux preachers and the Sorbonne Persecution of Reformers, 1625-32. Berquin executed Vacillating policy of Francis I. Cop's address, 1633 The Placards at Paris, 1634. Persecutipns. Milder policy. Proposed con- ference with German Reformers . . The moderate party in France. The Ghristianae religionis institittio, Vigorous measures against the Protestants, 1638-44 . . . Peace of Crdpy, 1644. The Waldenses of Provence Massacre of the Waldenses, 1645. The Fourteen of Meaux, 1646 Results of persecution. Spread of Reform .... The Universities. The channels for the spread of Reform. Henry II, La Ghambre Ardente. Organisation of French Protestantism Proposed Inquisition. Persecutions 1636 1547 280 281 282 283 284 286 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294