Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/19

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Contents. xv PAGE Distinguished converts. Protestant Synod, 1559 296 Death of Henry II, 1669. Accession of Francis II. The Guises . . 296 The Tumult of Amboise, 1660. Michel de I'Hopital, Chancellor . . 297 Edict of Romorantin. Assembly of Notables. Protestant conspiracy. Arrest of Conde 298 Death of Francis II, 1560. Accession of Charles IX. Catharine de' Medici Regent. Estates at Orleans 299 Ordinance of Orleans. Disturbances in various towns .... 300 Edict of July. Estates at Pontoise. Attaclfs on the Clergy . . . 301 Colloquy of Poissy 302 The Protestants in power. Conference at St Germain, 1662 . . . 303 The Edict of January, Religious war 304 CHAPTER X. THE HELVETIC REFORMATION. By the Rev. J. P. Whitney, M.A., King's College, Principal of the Bishop's College, Lennoxville, Quebec. Early history of the Swiss communities 305 The Swiss Confederation. Zurich 306 The youth of Zwingli. Parish priest of Glarus, 1506 .... 307 His hiunanistic and religious studies 308 Pensions and mercenary service in Switzerland. Removal to Einsiedeln. Comparison of Luther, Erasmus, and Zwingli 309 Zwingli people's priest at Zurich 310 Zwingli's ideas. His influence and position at Zurich 311 Constitution of Zurich. Waldmann 312 Zwingli's marriage. Samson and Indulgences 313 Zwingli's relations with Luther and Erasmus 314 Mercenary service. Zwingli's defection from the Papacy .... 315 Fasting in Lent. Zwingli's Archeteles 316 The first public Disputation at Zurich, 1523 317 Social, educational, and religious reform 318 Doctrine and observances. The Anabaptists 319 Effect of the Reform movement on the Swiss Confederation . . . 320 Abolition of the Mass and the monasteries 321 Supremacy of Zwingli in Zurich 322 The Swiss Anabaptists 323 Divisions in the Confederation. The Common Lands .... 324 League of the Catholic Cantons. Bern 325 Political schemes of Zwingli. Catholic counter-movement . . . 326 Spread of the Reformation. Disputation at Bern 327 Reformation at Bern, Basel, Constance, Strassburg 328 The Christian Civic League and the Christian Union .... 329 The Diet of Speier. Imminence of civU war 330 St GaUen. The Free Bailiwicks 331 The first Peace of Kappel, 1529 332 The question of the Eucharist. The Conference of Marburg . . . 333 Failure of Zwingli's political schemes 334 C. M. H. II. J)