Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/20

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xvi Contents. PAGB Relations with Germany. The Tetrapolitana 335 Decline of Zwingli's influence. War of Musso 836 War in Switzerland. Battle of Kap|iel and death of Zwingli, 1631 . 337 Second Peace of Kappel 338 Results of Zwingli's policy. Wittenherg Concord. First Helvetic Confession 339 Calvin. Hie Consensus Tigurinus - 340 Division of the Swiss Confederation 341 CHAPTER XI. CALVIN AND THE REFORMED CHURCH. By the Rev. A. M. Faiebairk, D.D., Principal of Mansfield College, Oxford. Wider range of ideas in the modern era ....... 342 Luther's personal influence and his limitations 343 Inadequacy of his system and doctrine 344 Contrast between Luther and Zwingli 345 The Reformation and the Reformed Church in France .... 346 Persecution in France 347 Characteristics of the Reformed Church in France 348 Influence of Calvin. His youth and antecedents 349 His family education. University of Paris 350 His friends, and his relations with them ....... 351 Legal studies. The De dementia 352 Moral attitude of the Commentary ........ 363 Cop's address, 1633, the work of Calvin. Flight of Calvin . . . 364 Calvin at Basel. Intellectual conditions there 365 Calvin's Letter to Francis I 356 The Ohristianae Religionis Institutio, 1536. Various editions . . . 357 Calvin at Geneva. Situation of the city 358 The Bishop. The Vicedom. The citizens 359 Relations between the Church and the city-State 360 Relations between the Bishop and the House of Savoy .... 361 Eyguenots, Mamelukes. Revolt against the Bishop. Alliance with Bern and the Reformation 362 Calvin's spiritual development 363 His problem as a Reformer and a legislator 364 His relation to Augustine 365 Influence of his theology on his legislation 366 Calvin's first period of rule at Geneva, 1636-8 367 His drastic measures. His expulsion, 1538. His return, 1541 . . 368 The relation of the Church to the Churcbes . . ... 369 The Ordonnances EccUsiaMiques 370 The Reformed ministry 371 Position of the ministers. System of Education 372 Calvinist ministers in France. Influence of Calvin 373 The Consistory 374 Tte State and heresy . . » 376 Some special services of Calvin , . 376