Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/22

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xviii Contents. CHAPTER XIII. HENRY VIII. By James Gaiedner, C.B., LL.D. PAGE Interviews of the King with Charles V and Francis I, 1520. . . . 416 Treaty with Charles V. Execution of Buckingham, 1521 . . . 417 Wolsey at Calais and Bruges 418 Charles V in England. Treaty of Windsor, 1522. Alhany in Scotland . 419 War with the French and the Scots, 1622 420 Money for the wars. Suffolk in France, 1523 421 Failure of Suffolk. War with Scotland 422 Negotiations with Bourbon, with France. Battle of Pavia, 1526 . . 423 Arrest of de Praet. Embassy from Flanders 424 The Amicable Grant. Treaties of the Moor, 1625 425 Treaty of Madrid. Position of England 426 League of Cognac, 1526. Embassy of the Bishop of Tarbes . . . 427 Treaties with France. Wolsey in France. Sack of Rome .... 428 Anne Boleyn. War declared by France and England against the Emperor 429 The Divorce. Campeggio's mission to England 430 The Trial before the Legates 431 Fall of Wolsey. New Parliament 432 Thomas Cranmer. Mission to Bologna ....... 433 The Divorce. Wolsey's pardon. His College. Arrest of Wolsey . . 434 His death, 1530. His character. Pressure on the Pope .... 435 Praemunire. The King Supreme Head of the Church .... 436 Henry leaves Catharine finally. Annates abolished 437 Submission of the Clergy. Resignation of Sir Thomas More . . . 438 Alliance of France and England. Marriage with Anne Boleyn, 1633 . 439 The King's marriage annulled, 1633. Excommunication .... 440 Sir Thomas More and Fisher sent to the Tower 441 Irish Rebellion. Act of Suprtmacy 442 Fisher and More executed. Character of More 443 Visitation and first suppression of monasteries 444 Anne Boleyn beheaded. Jane Seymour. Act of Succession . . . 445 The Ten Articles. Aske's rebellion 446 The rebellion suppressed. Reginald Pole's mission 447 Further suppression of the monasteries ....... 448 Executions of various noblemen. Intrigues against Henry . . . 449 Act of Six Articles. Anne of Cleves 460 Anne of Cleves divorced. Catharine Howard. Cromwell beheaded . . 461 His character. The King in Yorkshire 452 Catharine Howard beheaded. Scotland 453 Scotland during the youth of James V 454 James V and Henry VIII 455 Battle of the Solway Moss. Death of James V 45S Treaties with Scotland. War with France 457 Mary Stewart crowned. The treaties repudiated 458 Siege of Boulogne. The currency 469 Ancrum Moor. Ineffective war with France 460 Peace with France 461