Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/23

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Contents. XIX PAGE Murder of Beton. Death of Henry VIII 462 Absolutism of Henry VIII. Breach with Rome 463 The new conditions of religion. Translation of the Bible . . . 464 Tyndale. Coverdale 466 The Great Bible. Effects of the Act of the Six Articles ... 466 Anne Askew. Dissolution of the monasteries 467 Effects of the suppression. Education 468 Agrarian legislation and poor laws 469 Taxation. Debasement of the coinage. Wales 470 Council of the Marches, of the North. Ireland 471 Irish title. The navy 472 The army 473 Reformation policy CHAPTER XIV. THE REFORMATION UNDER EDWARD VI. By A. F. Pollard, M.A. Situation in England at Edward VI's accession The King's will. The new government . Protector Somerset Destruction of Henry VIH's absolutism. Impulse to the Spirit of the English Reformation Its character under Edward VI . Proclamations against innovations. Somerset's The attitude of Cranmer and the Church . Practical reforms in religion. Chantries Bill Further reforms. Desire for uniformity of worship The First Book of Common Prayer. The aims of its authors The agitation of Reformers and of Catholics Religious persecution. Foreign policy The attempted union with Scotland. Pinkie Cleugh Thomas Seymour, Lord High Admiral The agrarian revolution Measures against enclosure. The Protector's policy . The Enclosure Commissions. Hales. The bills rejected Peasants' revolt. Robert Ket. French aggression . War with France, 1549. Defeat of the peasants Warwick's plot j^ainst the Protector The Fall of Somerset, 1549 .... Reaction against his policy. Treason Act Agi-arian repression. Hopes of the Catholics . More stringent policy of Reform .... Disgraceful treaty with France, 1650 Religious controversy. Popular violence . Religious persecution Bishop Hooper. Spoliation of Church property Progress of the Reformation Release of Somerset. His rivalry with Warwick Coup (tMat of Northumberland (Warwick), 1651 Trial of Somerset 474 476 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 600 601 602 503 504 606 506