Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/24

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XX Contents. PAGE His exepution. Second Act of Uniformity S07 Second Book of Common Prayer, 16S2. Articles of Religion. Further seizure of Church property , . . . . SOS Parliament of 1553. Dangerous position of, Northumberland . . . 509 Settlement of the Crown on Lady Jane Grey and Guilford Dudley . 510 Death of Edward VI, 1653 611 CHAPTER XY. PHILIP AND MARY. By James Bass Muilingee, M.A., University Lecturer in History and Lecturer of St John's College. Position of affairs in England 512 Leading diplomatists of the reign 613 Proclamation of Lady Jane Grey. Flight of Mary 514 Northumberland marches against Mary. Advice of Charles V . . 515 Proclamation of Mary 516 Failure of Northumberland. Success of Maiy 617 Clemency of Mary. Cardinal Pole 518 His advice to Mary 619 Position, of Elizab^. Mary's diflSculties 620 Her Church policy. The Reformers. Cranmer ..... 621 Mai'y's First Parliament. Moderate reaction ...... 622 The suitors for Mary's hand. Edward Courtenay 523 Acceptance of Philip's oifer. . The Commons 524 Marriage Treaty with Philip . : 625 Conspiracies against Mary 526 Sir Thomas Wyatt in Kent 527 Wyatt in London. Executions of Jane, Dudley, Wyatt, and others . 528 Elizabeth. Michiel. Cardinal Pole 529 Mary's Second Parliament .......... 630 The royal wedding. Mary's counsellors 631 Arrival of Pole. Return of England to thq Papal obedieoice . . . 532 The Reformers. The first njartyrs 533 Election of Caraffa as Pope, 1555. His polioy 634 Elizabeth at Hampton Court, Ma,ry's delusion 636 Departure of Philip 636 Abdication of Charles V. Measures against heresy 637 The martyrs. Cranmer, Ridley, and Latimpr ...... 538 Proceedings at Oxford. The disputation ....... 639 The Reformers petition Parliament. Attitude of Parliament , . . 540 The martyrdoms at Oxford. Cranmer, 541 Grants of money. The death of Gardiner 642 Increased severity of Mary. Attitude of Pole 643 The Dudley conspiracy 544 Relations of the European Powers iji 1567 646 Paul IV and Pole.| Rebellion of Stafford 646 Victories of Spain in Italy and France 647 Scotland. Mary Stewart. Loss of Calais ,.,.... 648 Last days of Queen Mary 649