Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/28

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XXIV Contents. Pope Paul IVj 1556. His secular and religious policy Pope Pius IV, 1559. Fresh summons of a Covmcil Division among the Catholic Powers Third meeting of the Council at Trentj 1562 . Divisions in the Council. Residence of Bishops The question of the continuity of the Council The question of Communion in hoth kinds The Sacrament of Orders. The rights of Bishops . The Cardinal of Lorraine and Ferdinand . The new Legates. Canisius Dissensions of the French and the Spaniards. Close of the Council of Trent, 1563 . Results of the Council .... Acceptance and execution of the decrees . The Index of Prohibited Books The new Catholicism .... End of the movement for Catholic reform JMarriage PACE 673 674 676 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 686 686 687 688 689 CHAPTER XIX. TENDENCIES OF EUROPEAN THOUGHT IN THE AGE OF THE REFORMATION. By the Rev. A. M. Faiubaien, D.D. The new intellectual movements 690 Religion and philosophy 691 Renaissance and Reformation. Latin and Teuton 692 Characteristics of the two systems of thought 693 Influence of Lorenzo Valla on the Reformers 694 Mysticism. Pico della Mirandola and Reuchlin 695 Occasion of the Epistolae obscurorum virorum 696 Erasmus and his influence 697 The letters of Erasmus 698 His critical work and religious attitude 699 The spirit of the Latin Renaissance 700 Gemistus Plethon and the Neo-Platonists 701 The Platonic Academy. The new Aristotelians 702 Fomponazzi and his philosophy 703 The new scholasticism 704 New attitude of the defenders of the Church 705 Bernardino Telesio 706 Campanella. Giordano Bruno . . 707 The life and death of Giordano 708 His philosophy 709 The French Renaissance 710 Rabelais and Montaigne 711 The Teutonic Renaissance 712 Characteristics of the movement . 713 Luther. Jaikoh Boehme 714 The Anabaptists. The will of God 716 Heretical views of the Deity 716 The philosophy of Predestination 717 The new scholarship 718