Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/29

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BIBLIOGRAPHIES. CHAPS. PAGES I, II, AND III. Medicean Rome, and Habsburg and Valois 719—727 IV. Luther 728—733 V— VIII. Germany, 1521—1555 .... 734—764 IX. The Reformation in France .... 765—768 X. The Helvetic Reformation .... 769—778 XI. Calvin 779—783 XII. The Catholic South 784—788 XIII. Henry VIII 789—794 XIV. The Reformation under Edward VI . . 795—801 XV. Philip and Maiy 802—805 XVI. The An^ican Settlement and the Scottish Reformation 806—813 XVII. The Scandinavian North .... 814—817 XVIII. The Church and Reform .... 818—824 XIX. Tendencies of European Thought in the Age of the Reformation 825—828 Cheonological Table of Leading Events . . . 829 — 834 Index 835—857