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Bibliography. 735 The publication of these vast masses of material is being energetically pursued ly State-governments, universities, voluntary associations, and individual scholars, rhere are royal and ducal historical commissions like that of Saxony and that of Jaden; directions of State archives such as the Prussian; university bodies, the nost active of which, the Bavarian Akademie der Wissenschaften, has published ir is publishing the AUgemeine deutsche Biographie, the Jahrbiicher der deutschen Jeschichte, the Reichstagsakten, the Briefe und Akten zur Geschichte des xvi Tahrhunderts, the Chroniken der deutschen Stadte, the Forschungen zur deutschen Jeschichte and annual ' Sitzungsberichte ' ; voluntary associations of a theologico- listorical character, such as the Gorresgesellschaft zur Pflege der Wissensohaft im mtholischen Deutschland, and the Verein fiir Reformationsgeschichte, or with a ocal purpose like the Verein fiir Oberhessische Geschichte, or the Historische Verein ur Niedersachsen. Nearly every State, and many districts and cities, have associa- ions for the publication of their records. There are some two hundred periodical mblications in Germany devoted to historical research ; and practically every listorical dissertation for a doctorate in German universities is based upon the study )f some portion of unpublished material. The fullest guide to these current works s the annual bibliography appearing in the Historische Vierteljahrsschrift (ed. J. Seeliger, Leipzig). Elaborate surveys of the historical output for each year are !ontained in Bemer's Jahresberichte der Geschichtswissenschaften (Berlin, xxv Bde, 1878-1902) ; concise ones in the Mitteilungen a. d. histor. Litteratur (edited for the Histor. Gesellsch. in Berlin by Dr F. Hirsch) ; whUe the more important articles in jrerman periodicals are generally noticed in the Historische Zeitschrift and the English Historical Review. A slight but useful index is supplied by F. Forster's Kritischer Wegweiser durch die neuere deutsche historische Literatur, Berlin, 1900. rhe best general bibliography is Dahlmann-Waitz, Quellenkunde der deutschen Seschichte, 6th ed. by E. Steindorff, 1894. There are also separate bibliographies )f the history of many of the chief German states. n. PRINTED AUTHORITIES FOR THE WHOLE PERIOD 1621-1665. A. Documents. (i) Relating to general history. (Uberi, E. Le Relazioni degli Ambasciatori Veneti al Senato durante il secolo decimosesto. 16 vols. Florence. 1839-62. 3rd Ser. Bradford, W. Correspondence of Charles V. London. 1860. Dollinger, J. J. I. Documente zur Geschichte Karls V. In Beitrage zur politischen, kirchlichen und Cultur-Gesch. des xvi Jahr. Vol. 1. Ratisbon. 1862. Fiedler, J. Relationen Venetianischer Botschafter uber Deutschland und Oesterreich im 16 Jahrh. Fontes Rerum Austriacarum. Vol. xxx. Vienna. 1870. Forstemann, C. G. Neues Urkundenbuch zur Geschichte der evangelischen Kirchen- reformation. Hamburg. 1842. jachard, L. P. Relations des ambassadeurs venetiens sur Charles V. Brussels. 1856. joldast, Melchior. Collectio Constitutionum Imperialium. Frankfort. Vols, i and II. 1713. Harpprecht, G. N. von. Staatsarchiv des kayserlichen Kammergerichts, 6 pts. Frankfort. 1767-69. Ulm. 1785-9. Klupfel, K. Urkunden zur Geschichte des schwabischen Bundes 1488-1533. Stuttgart. 1846-53.