Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/766

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736 Germany, lozi-oo. Koch, C. G. Neue und vollstandige Sammlung der Reichsabschiede. 4 pts. Frank- fort. 1747. Krafft, Carl. Briefe und Dokumente aus Zeit der Reformation im 16 Jahrh. Elber- feld. 1876. Laemmer, H. Monumenta Vaticana. Freiburg i. B. 1861. Analecta Romana. Scbaffhausen. 1864. Lanz, K. Correspondenz des Kaisers Karl V. 3 vols. Leipzig. 1844r-6. Aktenstiicke und Briefe zur Gesch. Karls V, JMon. Habsb. Pt i. Vienna. 1864. Staatspapiere zur Geschichte Karls V. Stuttgart. 1845. Le Glay, £. Negotiations diplomatiques entre France et I'Autricbe. Coll. de Documents Inedits. Paris. 2 vols. 1845. LenZj M. Briefwechsel Philipps von Hessen mit Butzer. Leipzig. S vols. 1880-91. Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIIL Vols, ni and IV, ed. J. S. Brewer. Vols, v-xix, ed. J. Gairdner. 1619-44. London. 1860-1903. Loscher, V. E. Vollstandige Reformations-acta und Documenta. 3 vols. Leipzig, 1720-8. Liinig, J. C. Das deutsche Reichsarchiv. 24 vols. Leipzig. 1713-22. Monumenta Habsburgica. 1473-1576. 2 vols. Kaiserl. Akad. der Wissensch. Vienna. 1853-7. Neudecker, Chr. G. Merkwurdige Aktenstiicke aus dem Zeitalter der Reformation. 2 Abth. Numberg. 1838. Urkunden aus der Reformationszeit. Cassel. 18.'36. Raumer, F. L. G. von. Briefe aus Paris zur Erlauterung der Gesch. des 16 und 17 Jahrh. 2 Parts. Leipzig. 1831. Reichstagsakten unter Karl V herausgegeben durch die Miinchener historische Kommission. Vol. i, ed. A. Kluckhohn. 1893. Vols, ii-ni, ed. A. Wrede. Gotha. 1896, 1901. Spanish State Papers, Calendar of. Ed. Bergenroth. Vols. i-ii. Ed. Gayangos. Vols, in-vii. London. 1862-1899. State Papers published by the Record Commission. 11 vols. London. 1830-1862. Turba, G. Venetianische Depeschen vom Kaiserhofe. Dispacci di Germania. Vols. i-ii. Hist. Komm. d. k. Akad. d. Wissens. Vienna. 1889, 1892. Venetian State Papers, Calendar of. Ed. Rawdon Brown. Vols, ui-vi. London. 1864-1884. (ii) The religious leaders and their wiitings. (a) Luther and the Lutherans. The published volumes of the correspondence and works of Luther and his colleagues are far too numerous to be set out in detail. None of the various editions of Luther's works is completely satisfactory, the best being the Erlangen edition 1826-1879; an excellent edition by F. Knaake and others is however in course of publication (Weimar, 1883 sqq. 20 vols.). See also Burkhardt, Luthei'S Briefwechsel, 1866 ; Kolde, Analecta Lutherana, 1883 ; the Letters, ed. de Wette and Seidemann, 6 vols., 1826-58 ; Porstemann and Bindseil's editions of the Table-talk (Tischreden, 4 vols., 1844-8, and in Latin, 3 vols., 1863). The great 'Corpus Re- formatorum' (ed. C. G. Bretsohneider and H. E. Bindseil, Halle, 1834-1900, 89 vols.) consists chiefly of the works of Melanchthon and Calvin. See also Bugenhagen's Briefwechsel, ed. Vogt, Stettin, 1888 ; A. L. Herminjard's Corre- spondances des Reformateurs dans les Pays de la langue fran9aise (10 vols., Geneva,