Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/820

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790 Henry VIII. London Chronicle in the times of Henry VII and Henry VIII. Ed. C. Hopper. Camden Miscellany. Vol. iv. 1869. Stow, J. Chronicle. London. 1616. Wriothesley, C. Chronicle. Vol. i. Ed. W. D. Hamilton. Camden Soc. 1876, Cavendish, G. Life of Wolsey. Kelmscott ed. 1893. Chauncy, M. Historia aliquot Martyrum. Ed. V. M. Doreau. London. 1888. Foxe, J. Acts and Monuments. Townsend's ed. Vols, iv, v. 1846. Narratives of the Reformation. Ed. J. G. Nichols. Camden Soc. 1859. Harpsfield, N. Treatise of the pretended Divorce between Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon. Ed. N. Pocock. Camden Soc. 1878. More, Cresacre. Life and death of Sir Thomas More. Ed. J. Hunter. London. 1828. Ortroy, Van (BoUandist). Vie du bienheureux Martyr, Jean Fisher. Brussels. 1893. Roper, W. Life of Sir T. More. Paris. 1626. Chiswick. 1817. Sanders, N. Historia Schismatis Anglicani. Cologne. 1628. Translation by D. Lewis. London. 1877. Stapleton, T. Tres Thomae. (Sir T. More being one.) Cologne. 1612. Published Documents. Actenstucke und Briefe zur Geschichte Kaiser Karls V. Monumenta Habsburgica. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften.) Vienna. 1863, 1867. Baga de Secretis, Calendar of. Third Report of Dep. Keeper of the Public Records. App. ii, 234-268. Bradford, William. Correspondence of Charles V and his Ambassadors at the Courts of England and France. London. 1850. Caleridars, Rolls Series: — Letters and Papers, Henry VIII. Vols, iii and following. Edd. J. S. Brewer, James Gairdner, R. H. Brodie. 1867 etc. Spanish State Papers. Vols, ii and following. Edd. G. A. Bergenroth and P. de Gayangos. 1866 etc. Venetian. Vols, iii-v. Ed. Rawdon Brown. 1869-73. Carew MSS. (1615-74). Edd. J. S. Brewer and W. Buller. 1867. [Vowell's Life of Sir Peter Carew, printed at the end of the Introduction, contains at pp. Ixxx, Ixxxi an account of the loss of the Mary Rose."] Collier, J. P. Trevelyan Papers. Parts i and ii. Camden Soc. 1867, 1863. Dasent, J. R. Acts of the Privy Council. New Series. Vol. i. Rolls Series. 1890. Ehses, S. Romische Dokumente zur Geschichte der Ehescheidung Heinrichs VIII. von England, 1527-1634. Paderborn. 1893. Ellis, Sir H. Original Letters. Three Series. 1824r-46. Erasmi Epistolee. London. 1642. Another edition, by Leclerc, published at Leyden, 1703. — [The Epistles of Erasmus, translated and arranged in order of time by F. M. Nichols — only comes down, at least at present, to the accession of Henry VIII; but is of great value to the student.] Excerpta Historica. 1831. Pp. 260-6, 290-2. Gee, H. and Hardy, W, H. Documents illustrative of English Church History. London. 1896. Hales, J. A Discourse of the Commonweal of this realm of England. 1649. Ed. by E. Lamond. Cambridge. 1898. Hamy's Entrevue. See next Section.