Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/821

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Bibliography. 791 Haynes, S. State PaperSj 1542-70. London. 1740. Henry VIH's Love Letters to Anne Boleyn. Published by Heame, App. to Robert of Avesbury, 347-361, and in the Harleian Miscellany, vol. in, 47-60; also by Editor of the Historia Britonum [W. Gunn] in the Pamphleteer, vol. xxi, 346-8 and vol. xxn, 114-123, with some valuable additional documents. They have also been published at Paris by Crapelet in an 8° volume, with the addition of a contemporary French poem containing a life of Anne Boleyn written a fortnight after her execution. Historical MSS. Commission: — Calendar of the mss. of the Marquis of Salisbury. Part I. 1883. Jessopp, A. Monastic Visitations in the Diocese of Norwich. Camden Soc. 1888. Kaulek, J. Correspondance politique de MM. de Castillon et de Marillac. Paris. 1885. Laemmer, H^ Monumenta Vaticana. Freiburg i. B. 1861. Lanz, Karl. Correspondenz des Kaisers Karl V. Vols, i, ii. Leipzig. 1844-6. Leach, A. F. Visitations of Southwell. Camden Soc. 1891. Lefevre-Pontalis, G. Correspondance politique d'Odet de Selve. Commission des Archives Diplomatiques. Paris. 1888. Merriman, R. B. Life and Letters of Thomas Cromwell. 2 vols. Oxford. 1902. [The collection of letters includes all those known to have been written by Cromwell.] Nichols, J. G. Inventories of the Household Stuff of Henry Fitzroy Duke of Richmond, and of Katherine Princess Dowager. Camden Miscellany. Vol. III. 1885. Nicolas, Sir N. H. Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council. Record Commission. Vol. vii. Pocock, N. Records of the Refonnation. 2 vols. Oxford. 1870. Pole, Cardinal R. Epistolae. Ed. Quirini. Brixen. 1744r-57. Rutland Papers. Ed. Jerdan. Camden Soc. 1842. Rymer, T. Foedera. Vols, xiv, xv. 1st ed. Scotland. The late Expedicion in Scotlande... under the Erie of Hertforde, 1544. Printed by Reynold Wolfe, 1544. Reprinted by John Graham Dalzell in Fragments of Scottish History. Edinburgh. 1798. State Papers, Henry VIII. 11 vols. Published by the Government. 1830-62. Vol. I. (in two Parts) contains Domestic State Papers ; vols, ii, iii, Irish ; vols. IV, V, Scotch ; vols, vi — xi, Foreign. Statute of the Realm. Vol. iii. 1817. Theiner, A. Vetera Monumenta Hibernorum et Scotorum historiam illustrantia. Romae. 1864. Tumbull, W. B. Account of Monastic Treasures confiscated at the Dissolution. By Sir John Williams, master and treasurer of the jewels to Henry VHI. Abbotsford Club. Edinburgh. 1836. Wakins, D. Concilia. Vol. iii. 1737. Wright, T. Suppression of the Monasteries. Camden Soc. 1843. See also Collections in the Church Histories of Burnet, Collier and Dodd. Principal Modern Histories. So much new light has been thrown upon this period, that all previous general histories of England, such as those of Hume, Rapin, Lingard and Froude, require very material correction as well as enlargement. The same is also the case with the most familiar Church Histories, viz. those of Burnet, Collier and Dodd, though