Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/822

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792 Henry VIII. their collections of documents are of great value. The following works may be named as embodying some of the results of recent research : — Brewer, J. S. The Reign of Henry VIII. 2 vols. London. 1884. Clowes, W. L. The Royal Navy. Vol. i. London. 1897. Dixon, R. W. History of the Church of England. Vols, i, ii. London. 1878, 1881. Doreau, V. M. Henri VIII et les Martyrs de la Chartreuse de Londres. Paris. 1890. Du Boys, A. Catherine d'Aragon et les Origines du Schisme Anglican. Geneva. 1880. Translation by C M. Yonge. 2 vols. London. 1881. Friedmann, P Anne Boleyn. 2 vols. 1884. Gairdner, James. The English Church in the Sixteenth Century. 1902. Gasquet, P. A. Henry VIII and the English Monasteries. 2 vols. London. 1888. Revised popular edition in one volume. London. 1899. Green, M. A. E. Lives of the Princesses of England. Vols, iv and v. London. 1849-55. Hamy, A. Entrevue de Fran9ois Premier avec Henry VIII a Boulogne sur Mer en 1632. Paris 1898. With valuable collection of documents. Hendriks, L. The London Charter-house. London. 1889. Merriman, R. B. Life and Letters of Thomas Cromwell. 2 vols. Oxford. 1902. PdUard, A. F. Henry VIII. London. 1902. [With valuable engravings from contemporary pictures.] Ranke, L. von. Englische Geschichte, vornehmlich im sechzehnten und siebzebnten Jahrhundert. Vol. i. Vol. xiv of Sammtliche Werke. Berlin. 1874 etc. A History of England (translation of the preceding). Vol. i. Oxford. 1876. Strickland, A. Lives of the Queens of England. Vol. ii. London. 1864. Stubbs, W. (Bishop). Seventeen Lectures on the Study of Medieval and Modern History. Lectures XI, XII. Oxford. 1887. 1900. Auxiliary Information. Anderson, C. The Annals of the English Bible. 2 vols. London. 1846. A.rmstrong, E. Charles V. London. 1902. Ashley, W. J. Introduction to English Economic History. London. 1892. Bapst> E. Deux Gentilshommes-Poetes de la Cour de Henri VIII. Paris. 1891. Bridgett, T. E. Lives of Fisher (1888) and More (1891). Busch, W. Cardinal Wolsey und die englisch-kaiserliche AUianz, 1622-5. Bonn. 1886. Der Ursprung der Ehescheidung Konig Heinrichs VIII. von England. Historisches Taschenbuch, Sechste Folge, viii, 271-327, Der Sturz des Cardinals Wolsey. Historisches Taschenbuch, Sechste Folge, IX, 39-114 Creighton, M. (Bishop). Cardinal Wolsey. Twelve English Statesmen Sei-ies. London. 1888. Cunningham^ W. Growth of English Industry and Commerce. Cambridge. 1896. Du Bellay, Martin. M^moires. Michaud et Poujoulat, v. Early English Text Society's Publications : — England in the Reign of Henry VIII 1871, 1878. Four Supplications. 1871. English Historical Review, xi, 673-702. xii, 1-16, 237-253. London. 1896-7. Fumivall, F. J. Ballads from MSS. Ballad Society. 1868-72. Gasquet, F. A. The Eve of the Reformation. London. 1900. Gratianus, Orthuinus. Fasciculus Rerum expetendarum et fugieildarum. Cum Appendice oper^ Edwardi Brown. London. 1690.