Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/837

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Bibliography. 807 Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. Vols, xviii, xix. Edinburgh. 1898. Ferriere, H. de la. Lettres de Catherine de M^dicia. Vol. i. Paris. 1880. Forbes, P. Full View of the Public Transactions in the Reign of Elizabeth. 2 vols. London. 1740-1. Fronde, J. A. Spanish Transcripts. Brit. Mus. MS. Addit. 26056. Gachard, L. P. Correspondance de Marguerite d'Autriche. Vol. i. Brussels. 1867. Correspondance de Philippe II. Vols, i, n. Brussels. 1848-61. Gonsalez, T. Documents from Simancas. Transl. S. Hall. London. 1865. Hales, J. Declaration of the Succession of the Crown, 1663. In [Harbin, G.] Hereditary Right of the Crown. London. 1713. Hamilton MSS. Eleventh Rep. of Hist. MSS. Com. App. vi. London. 1887. Hamilton Papers. Vols, i, n. Edinburgh. 1890-2. Hardwicke, PhUip, Earl of. Miscellaneous State Papers. Vol. i. London. 1778. Haynes, S. Burghley State Papers. London. 1740. Journal of the House of Commons (OflScial ed.). Vol. i, no date. Journal of the House of Lords (Official ed.). Vol. i, no date. Keith, R. History of the Affairs of Church and State in Scotland. Spottiswoode Soc. Edinburgh. 1844. (1st ed. Edinburgh, 1734.) Kervyn de Lettenhove. Relations politiques des Pays-Bas et de I'Angleterre. Vols, i-iii. Brussels. 1882-3. Labauoff, A. Lettres inedites de Marie Stuart. Paris. 1839. Lettres, instructions et memoii-es de Marie Stuart. London. 1844. Languet, Hubert. Epistolae. Halle. 1699. Leicester's Commonwealth. [London.] 1641. [Erroneously attributed to Parsons the Jesuit. For its history see Diet. Nat. Biog. xvi, 121.] Members of Parliament, Returns. Part i. Blue book, 1878. Nuntiaturberichte aus Deutschland, 1660-72. Hist. Com. d. Akad. d. Wissensch. Vienna. 1897. Paris, L. Negotiations... relatives au regne de Fran9ois II. Paris. 1841. Pollen, J. H. Papal Negotiations with Mary Queen of Scots. Scot. Hist. Soc. Edinburgh. 1901. Prothero, G. W. Select Statutes and other Constitutional Documents. London. 1894. Register of the Great Seal of Scotland (1646-80). Edinburgh. 1886. Register of the Privy Council of Scotland. Vol. i (1646-69). Edinburgh. 1877. 'Roman Transcripts.' MS. at Record Office. [Copies made in various Roman Archives.] Rutland Manuscripts. Hist. MSS. Com. Rep. xii, App. 4. London. 1888. Rymer, T. Foedera. Vol. xv. London. 1713. State Papers. Borders of England and Scotland. Calendar. Vol. r. Edinbui-gh. 1894. State Papers, Domestic. MS. at Record Office. [The published Calendar, Vols, i and VII, merely indicates the nature of the documents.] State Papers, Foreign. Elizabeth. Calendar. Vols. i-vi. London. 1863-9. State Papei-s. Hatfield or Cecil MSS. Calendar. Vol. i. London. 1883, repr. 1895. State Papers of Sir Ralph Sadler, ed. Clifford. Edinburgh. 1809. State Papers. Scotland and Mary Queen of Scots. Calendar. Vol. i. Edinburgh. 1898. State Papers, Spanish (1668-67). Calendar. London. 1892. State Papers, Venetian. Calendar. Vol. viii. Loudon. 1890. Statutes of the Realm (Official ed.). Vol. iv. 1819. [The original Acts of Parlia- ment preserved in the Parliament Office sometimes supply a little additional information.] Stevenson, J. Selections from manuscripts relating to Mary Queen of Scots. Maitland Qub. Edinburgh. 1837.