Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/838

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808 The Anglican Settlement and the Scottish Reformation. Teuletj A. Papiers d'etat... relatifs a I'histoire de I'^^cosse. Bannatyne Club. Paris. 1851. Relations politiques de la France et de I'Espagne avec I'Ecosse. Paris. 1862. Turba, G. Venetianische Depescben vom Kaiserbofe. Vol. iii. Vienna. 1895. Strickland, A. Letters of Mary Queen of Scots. London. 1842. WeisSj C. Papiers d'etat du Cardinal Granvelle. Vols, iv-vi. Paiis. 1843-6. Wright, T. Queen Elizabeth and her Times. London. 1838. B. Chronicles and Early Histories. Beaugud, J. de. L'histoire de la Guerre d'Escosse. Maitland Club. Edinburgh. 1830. Another edition, Bordeaux, 1862. Brantome. (Euvres completes. Ed. L. Lalanne. Paris. 1864-82. Buchanan, George. Rerum Scotioarum Historia. Edinburgh. 1583. Burghley, Life of. In F. Peck, Desiderata Curiosa. London. 1779. (1st ed. in 1732.) Camden, W. Annales. London. 1615. Complaynt, the, of Scotlande, 1649. Early Eng. Text Soc. London. 1872. Conaeus, G. Vita Mariae Stuartae. Wiirzburg and Rome. 1624. Conde, Memoires de. The Hague. 1743. Hayward, J. Annals of Queen Elizabeth. Camden Soc. London. 1840. Herries, Lord. Historical Memoirs. Abbotsford Club. Edinburgh. 1836. Holinshed, R. Chronicle. London. 1586-7. [As to the rare first edition, see Diet. Nat. Biog. xxvii, 131.] Jebb, S. De vita et I'ebus gestis Mariae.. .quae scriptis tradidere auctores sedecim. London. 1725. [Lesley, J.] A defence of the Honour of...Marie,' Queene of Scotland. London. 1669. [See Scott, Bibliography, pp. 20, 23.] Lesley, J. De origine...Scotorum. Romae. 1678. History of Scotland. Scot. Text Soc. Edinburgh. 1888. Lyndsay of Pitscottie. Historie of Scotland. Scot. Text Soc. Edinburgh. 1899. Machyn's Diary. Camden Soc. London. 1844. [See Eng. Hist. Rev. xi, 282.] Maitland, J. Narrative of the Principal Acts of the Regency. Edinburgh. 1822. Melville, James. Memoirs. Bannatyne Club. Edinburgh. 1827. (Maitland Club.) Edinburgh. 1833. (1st ed. 1683.) Naunton, R. Fragmenta Regalia. London. 1641. [For the various editions, see Diet. Nat. Biog. xl, 128.] Nichols, J. Progresses of Queen Elizabeth. London. 1823. [Vol. i, p. 60: Coronation Service.] Stow, J. Annales of England. London. 1606. (1st ed. 1592.) Memoranda. Three Fifteenth Century Chronicles. Camden Soc. London. 1880. Wriothesley, C. Chronicle. Camden Soc. London. 1875. C. Modern Works. Beesley, E. S. Queen Elizabeth. London. ' 1892. Bekker, E. Beitrage zur englisehen Geschichte im Zeitalter Elisabeths. Giessen. 1887. Elisabeth und Leicester. Giessen. 1890. Brosch, M. Habsburgische Vermalungsplane mit Elisabeth. Mitth. d. Instituts fur osterreich. Geschichtsforschung. x, 121. Innsbruck. 1889. Brown, P. Hume. History of Scotland. Vols, i, ii. Cambridge. 1899-1902. Brugmans, H. Engeland en de Nederlanden, 1568-67. Groningen. 1892. Burton, J. H. History of Scotland. Ed. 2. Edinburgh. 1873.