Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/839

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Bibliography. 809 Chalmers, G. Life of Mary Queen of Scots. London. 1818. Creighton, M. (Bishop). Queen Elizabeth. London. 1896. Cnnninghanij W. Growth of English Industry and Commerce in Modern Times. Cambridge, 1903, pp. 127-137. [The recoinage of 1561.] Duruy, G. Le Cardinal Carlo Caraffa. Paris. 1882. Fleming, D. Hay. Mary Queen of Scots from her birth until her flight into England. London. 1897. Fomeron, H. Les dues de Guise et leur epoque. Paris. 1877. Histoire de Philippe II. Paris. 1881. Froude, J. A. History of England. Reign of Elizabeth. London. 1864. Gairdner, J. The Death of Amy Robsart. Eng. Hist. Rev. i, 235 ; xm, 83. HaUam, H. Constitutional History of England. London. 1832. Henderson, T. F. Lives of Mary Stuart, Douglas (Lady Margaret), Hamilton (James, 3rd Earl of Ai-ran), Maitland (William), Stewart (Lord James), Stewart (Matthew, Earl of Lennox) in Diet. Nat. Biog. Hosack, J. Mary Queen of Scots and her Accusers. Ed. 2. Edinburgh. 1870. Hume, M. A. The Courtships of Queen Elizabeth. London. 1896. The great Lord Burghley. London. 1898. Lang, A. History of Scotland. Vols, i, ii. Edinburgh. 1900-2. Scandal about Queen Elizabeth. [Amy Robsart.] Blackwood's Magazine, CLiii, 209. Edinburgh. 1893. Lee, S. L. Life of Robert Dudley. In Diet. Nat Biog. xvi, 112 [for death of Lady Robert, with bibliography]. Lingard, J. History of England. Ed. 6. London. 1854. Marcks, E. Konigin Elisabeth. Bielefeld. 1897. Mathieson, W. L. Politics and Religion in Scotland. Glasgow. 1902. Maurenbreeher, W. Beitrage zur Geschichte Maximilians II. Hist. Zeitschrift, vol. xxxii (1874), pp. 221, 277. Mignet, F. A. M. Histoire de Marie Stuart. Ed. 6. Paris. 1885. Muller, T. Das Konklave Pius IV. Gotha. 1889. Nares, E. Memoirs of Lord Burghley. London. 1823-38. Paillard, C. La conjui-ation d'Amboise. Revue historique. Vol. xiv (1880), pp. 61, 311. Philippson, M. La contra-revolution religieuse. Bruxelles. 1884. Histoire du regno de Marie Stuart. Paris. 1891-2. Pollen, J. H. Papers published in 'The Month,' 1900-2, and in Dublin Review, Jan. 1903. Rait, R. S. The Scottish Parliament. London. 1901. Relations between England and Scotland. London. 1901. Ranke, L. v. Englische Geschichte. VoL xiv of Sammtliche Werke. Berlin. 1874, etc. Reimann, E. Der Streit zwischen Papstthum und Kaiserthum im Jahre 1558. Forschungen zur deutschen Geschichte. Vol. v, p. 291. Gottingen. 1865. Ritter, M. Deutsche Geschichte im Zeitalter der Gegenreformation. Vol. i. Stuttgart. 1889. Rogers, J. E. T. History of Agriculture and Prices. Vol. iv, pp. 197 ff. [The recoinage of 1561.] Oxford. 1882. Ruble A. de. Antoine de Bourbon et Jeanne d'Albret. Paris. 1881-2. Le traite de Cateau-Cambresis. Paris. 1889. La premiere jeunesse de Marie Stuart. Paris. 1891. Rye, W. The Murder of Amy Robsart. London. 1885. Schlossberger, A. Verhandlungen iiber die beabsiehtigte Vermahlung des Erzherzogs Karl mit der Konigin Elizabeth. Forschungen zur deutschen Geschichte. Vol. V, p. 1. Gottingen. 1865.