Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/858

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828 Tendencies of European Thought in the Reformation Age. Menno, Simons. Werke. Amsterdam. 1681. Ottii Annales anabapt. Basel. 1672. Seidemann, J. C. Thomas Miinzer. Dresden and Leipzig. 1842. Sweetser Buwage. The anabaptists of the 16th century. Papers of Amer. Soc. of Ch. Hist. HI. Socinians. Fook, O. Der Socinianismus. Kiel. 1847. Krasinski, Count V. Historical Sketch of ±he Rise, Progress and Decline of the Reformation in Poland. Engl, transl. 2 vols. London. 1838. Rees, T. The Racovian catechism... London. 1818. ToUin, H. Das Lehrsystem Michael Servets genetisch dargestellt. Giitersloh. 1876-78. (Tollin has most exhaustively discussed Servetus and almost every question connected with him. His articles extending over many years are to be found in many German historical and theological reviews and periodicals ; notably in the St. u. Kr., Zeitschr. fur Wissensch. Theologie, and the Jahrb. fiir Protestant. Theologie.) Willis, R. Servetus and Calvin... London. 1877. Miscellaneous. Arnold, G. Kirchen und Ketzer-Historie. 4 vols. Frankfort am Main. 1699. Cantu, C. Gli Eretici d' Italia. 3 vols. Turin. 1866-7. Harnack, A. Dogmengeschichte. Vol. 3. Third Book. 1890. Translation by W. McGUchrist. Vol. vn. London. 1899. IV. GENERAL. Baur, F. C. Die christliche Lehre von der Dreieinigkeit und Menschwerdung Gottes. 3rd vol. Tubingen. 1843. Buhle, J. G. Geschichte der neuern Philosophie. Gottingen. 1800. Bruckerus, Jacobus. Historia critica phUosophiae. 4 vols. Leipzig. 1743. Carriere, M. Die philosophische Weltanschauung der Reformationszeit. Stuttgart 1847. DoUinger, J. J. von. Die Reformation... 3 vols. Regensburg. 1851. Hegel, G. W. F. Geschichte der Philosophie. 3 vols. Berlin. 1836. Hoifding, H. History of modern philosophy. Vol. i. London. 1900. Lavall^e, J. Histoire des Inquisitions Religieuses. 2 vols. Paris. 1808. Uorente, J. A. Historia critica de la Inquisicion de Espana. Madrid. Translated by A. Pellier. 2nd ed. 1818. Histoire Critique de I'Inquisition d'Espame. 4 vols. Paris. 1818. McCrie, T. History of the Reformation in Italy. Edinburgh. 1827 New ed 1866. Philippson, M. La Contre-Rdvolution Religieuse au xvi Siecle. Brussels. 1884. Ritter, H. Geschichte der christlichen Philosophie. Hamburg. 1860. Die christliche Philosophie... Gottingen. 1869. Schultze, F. Geschichte der Philosophie der Renaissance. Jena. 1874. Tozer, H. F. A Byzantine Reformer. Journal of Hellenic Studies, 1886, pp 353_ 380. Zeller, E. Geschichte der deutschen Philosophie. Munich. 1876. (See also tlie Bibliographies to Chapters XVI. and XVII. of Vol. I.)