Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/859

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CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF LEADING EVENTS. Vol. I. 1311 Council of Vienne. Beginning of Church reform schemes. 1358 Occupation of Gallipoli by the Ottoman Turks. 1363 John II of France gives the Duchy of Burgundy to his son Philip. 1369 Marriage of Philip of Burgundy and Margaret of Flanders. 1374 Death of Petrarch. 1378 Beginning of the Great Schism. 1380 c. Gerard Groote institutes the Brotherhood of the Common Life at Deventer. 1382 Battle of Roosebeke. 1386 Foundation of Windeshem by Florentius Radewynzoon. 1397-1400 Manuel Chrysoloras lectures on Greek at Florence. 1409 Council of Pisa. 1414-18 Council of Constance. 1415 Capture of Ceuta by the Portuguese. 1416 Venetian victory over the Turks at Gallipoli. 1419 Philip the Good succeeds to the Burgundian dominions. 1422 Philip the Good purchases the county of Namur. 1423 Foscari elected Doge of Venice. 1425 Vittorino da Feltre's school established at Mantua. 1426 Dom Henrique of Portugal navigates the Guinea Coast and engages in the slave-trade. 1427 Francesco Filelfo professor of Greek and Latin at Florence. 1431-49 Council of Basel. 1433 Duke Philip sovereign of Hainault, HoUand, Zeeland, and Frieslaud. 1435 Peace of Arras. Naples under the House of Aragon. 1436-7 Reforming Synods at Ferrara, Braga, Londouj and Salzburg. 1437 Niccolo de' Niccoli bequeathes to Cosmo de' Medici, etc., the nucleus of the Medicean and San Marco Libraries. 1438 Council of Florence. Greek and Latin Churches in conference. Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges. Resistance of Bruges crushed by Duke Philip. Gemistos Plethon at Florence. 1439 The tailk made permanent in France. 1440 L. Valla publishes his tract on the "Donation of Constantino." C. M. H. I.