Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/860

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n Chronological Table. 1441c. Thomas a Kempis writes the Be Imitatione Ohristi. 1445 Philip the Good purchases the duchy of Luxemburg. — — Beato Lorenzo Giustinian first Patriarch of Venice. Portuguese reach Bilad Ghana (Guinea) and the SenegaL 1446 Merchant Adventurers remove their factory from Bruges to Antwerp. 1447 Death of Filippo Maria Visconti, Duke of Milan. Demetrius Chalcondylas at Rome and Perugia. Election of Pope Nicholas V, chief founder of the Vatican Library. 1448 Concordat between Frederick III and the Pope. 1449 Felix V, the last anti-pope^ resigns. 1449-53 English driven from France, except Calais and Guines. 1451 Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa begins his reforming progress from Salzburg to Utrecht. 1453 Capture of Constantinople by Mohammad II. Charles the Bold crushes the Ghenters at Gavre. 1454 Peace of Lodi. Diet of Frankfort. 1456 Turks repulsed at Belgrade by John Hunyadi. Surrender of the Acropolis by the last Duke of Athens. Maxarin Bible printed. 1457 Deaths of Wladislav of Hungary and Bohemia, and of Foscari, Doge of Venice. 1456-71 John Argyropoulos occupies Greek chair at Florence. 1458 Matthias Corvinus ascends Hungarian throne. Election of Pius II (Aeneas Sylvius). Death of Alfonso of Aragon. Ferdinand (Ferrante), King of Naples. 1459 Congress of Mantua. 1460 Death of Dom Henrique, Iffante of Portugal. c. Roman Academy founded by Julius Pomponius Laetus. 1461 Louis XI succeeds Charles VII as King of France. Edward IV King of England. 1463 Venice at war with the Turks. Mohammad acknowledges Scanderbeg as sovereign of Albania. 1464 George Podiebrad, King of Bohemia, summoned to Rome on charge of heresy. Louis XI forbids publication of papal bulls without royal exequatur. 1465 Charles the Bold and League of the Public Weal besiege Paris. The Somme towns recovered by Burgundy. 1467 Charles the Bold succeeds Philip the Good as Duke of Burgundy. 1468 Sack of Lie'ge by Charles the Bold. Charles the Bold marries Margaret, sister of Edward King of England. 1469 Marriage of Isabel of Castile, and Ferdinand of Aragon. Charles the Bold claims ducal authority over all West Friesland. South-Elsass with Breisgau acquired by Charles. Lorenzo de' Medici head of the Florentine State. 1470 Negropontes in the hands of the Turks. 1471 Albert Achilles, Elector of Brandenburg. Foundation of Ingolstadt University. 1472 Concordat between Louis XI and Sixtus IV. 1473 Dispositio Achillea (Mark Brandenburg). Extinction of independence of Armagnac, Rouergue, and La Marche. Charles the Bold in possession of Gelders. 1474 Charles the Bold besieges Neuss. He is opposed by Alsatian "New League" and Swiss "Old League."