Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/873

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835 INDEX. Aachen, Charlea V crowned at, 42 Aalborg, faU of (1534), 615 Academy, the Modenese, 386 sq. Act of the Six Articles, the (1589), 450, 466 sq., 477 Acta Augustana, the, by Martin Luther, 133 Acts of Succession (1534), 442 ; (1536), 445 Acts of Supremacy (1534), 442; (1559), 567 sqq. Adelmann (German reformer), 138 Adrian IV, Pope (NichokiB Breakspeare), 601 Adrian VI, Pope (Adrian of Utrecht), 19- 21, 27, 32, 44, 47, 147, 169 sq., 378, 400, 418, 623, 641 Adriano di Oometo, see CasteEesi, Cardinal Adriano, Mateo, 402 Aegidins of Viterbo, 8, 30, 82 Aegineta, Petrus, 16 Aeneas Sylvius, see Pius 11, Pope Agrarian legislation, English, 469, 497 Agrarian revolution, the, in England, 489 sqq. Agricola, Johann, 201, 264 , Agricola, Michael, 629 Agricola, Stephen, 207 Aides, in France, 96 Aigues-Mortes, interview of (1538), 73, 98 Ailly, Pierre de, 281 Albany, John, Duke of, 50, 419 sq., 422 sq., 426, 453 Alber, Matthaus, of Eeutlingen, 160, 332 Albert I, Duke of Mecklenburg, King of Sweden, 600 sq. Alberti, Leo Battista, 702 Albrecht II, King of Hungary and Bohe- mia, 198 Albrecht of Brandenburg, Archbishop of Mainz, 121, 163, 195, 238, 251 Albret, Henri de, 43 Albret, Jeanne de, 75 Alcabala, the, in Spain, 99 Alcal4, Alfonso de, 400 Alcala, University of, 400 Alciati, Andrea, 352 Alciati, Giovanni Paolo, 393 Aleander, Girolamo, Cardinal, 139, 141, 240, 379, 383 Aleufon, Duke of, 51 Alesius (Alexander Aless), 555 Alexander IV, Pope (Binaldo Conti), 114 Alexander VI, Pope (Bodrigo Borgia), death of, 1 sq. ; 400 Alexander of Aphrodisia, 702 Alexander of Hales, 124, 125 Algiers, pirates of, 68 sq., 75 sq. Allen, John, Archbishop of Dublin, 442 Allstedt, Thomas Mlinzer's teaching at, 186 Altemps, Marc de. Bishop of Constance, 676 Altieri, Baldassare, 383 Alva, Duke of, 76, 91 sq., 409, 545 sqq. Ambleteuse (Newhaven), 498 Amboise, tumult of (1560), 297 Amicable Grant, the, 425 Amiens, treaties of (1527), 428 Amio, Domenico de, his statue of Pope Leo X, 13 Amsdorf, Nicholas, 117, 201, 242 Anabaptists, the, 166, 715 ; in the Nether- lands, 103 ; doctrines of, 222 sq. ; their reign and suppression at Miinster, 222, 226 sq. ; the Swiss, 819, 323 Anorum Moor, battle of (1545), 460 Andelot, Frangois de, 294 sq. Andrea, Era, of Ferrara, 380 Andreae, Laurentins (Lars Andersson), 624, 628 Andrelini, Fausto, 9 Angoul^me, Charles, Duke of, 70 Angrogne (Piedmont), conference of (1582), 289 Angus, Archibald Douglas, Earl of, 458 sq., 560 Anhalt-Kothen, Wolfgang, Prince of, 196, 205, 215 Anjon, Duke of, his projected marriage with Queen Elizabeth, 525 Anne of Beaujeu, 87, 46 Anne of Cleves, Queen of Henry VHI, 237, 239, 450 sq. Annebaut, Admiral, 78, 97, 460 Anti-erasmistas, the, in Spain, 401 Antonino of San Marco, Archbishop of Florence, 8 Apprtauus, see Dare Aquinas, St Thomas, 125, 127 Arande, Michel d', 282, 284 Architecture, under Pope Leo X, 13 63—2