Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/874

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836 Index. Arcimboldo, Giovanni Angelo, Archbishop of Milan, 606 Arellano, Crist6bal de, 406 Aresen, Jon, Bishop of Holum, 621 Aretino, Cristoforo, 16 Aretino, Pietro, 17, 28 Aiezzo, Gentile di, 16 Argyll, Archibald Campbell, Earl of, 558 ArgyropouloB, Johannes, 16 Ariosto, Ludovioo, his Orlando, 19 Aristotelians, the new, 702 Aristotle, 701 sq. Arminians, the, 717 Armiaius, Jacobus (Jakob Herman), 717 Army, French, reform of the, 96; Henry Vni's, 473 Arnold of Brescia, 311 Arran, James Hamilton, Earl of: see OhS,- telheranlt Arret de Mdrindol, the, 289 Arsilli, Francesco, 15 Art, under Pope Julius II, 5 sqq.; under Pope Leo S, 12-14; decadence of, 28 Articles of Eeligion, the Forty-two, 508; the Thirty-nine, 587 sq. ; the Marburg, 209 Artois, 72 sq., 76, 102 Arundel, Thomas, Archbishop of Canter- bury, 464 Arundel, Henry Fitz-Alan, Earl of, 497 sqq., 525 Ascham, Boger, 275 As61, Anton, 408 Aske, Eobert, 468; his rebellion (1536), 446 sq. Askew, Anne, 466 sq. Assens, battle of (1585), 615 Attrition, doctrine of, in later Middle Ages, 126; and Contrition, distinction between, 126 Audeley, Thomas, Lord Chancellor of England, 438 Augsburg, Diets of (1518), 133; (1525), 191, 196; (1530), 211, 213; (1547), 84, 262; (1555), 276; Luther at, 133; Con- fession of, 211, 617, 632; Eecess of (1530), 214 ; (1555), 277 ; Interim (1548), 264 sq. ; Beligions Peace of (1555), 89, 277 Augustinians, the, and the religious leyival, 106, 161 Austria, persecution of Lutherans in, 202; duchy of, 150; policy of, towards Switzer- land, 329 Autos-de-fe, at Seville and Valladolid, 404, 407 sq. Avalos, Costanza de, Duohess of Amalfi, 390 Aventinus, Bavarian historian, 202 Aversa, Giovanni Bernardino di, 391 Avila, Juan de, 409 Bacon, Sir Francis, 691, 706 Bacon, Sir Nicholas, 565, 568 Baden, Philip, Margrave of, 191 Baden, Disputation of (1526), 326 ; Diet of (1528), 329 Bader, Augustin, 224 Badia, Tommaso, 379 Baduel, Claude, 292 Baena, Isabel de, 406 sq. Baglione, Giampaolo, lord of Perugia, 14 Balbini, Niccol6, 387 Balbo, Cesare, 35 Balbo, Lorenzo, 400 Bale, John, 19 Baltic Sea, struggle for commercial supre- macy of, 228 sq. Ban of the Empire, pronounced against Martin Luther, 141 Barbaresques, the, expeditions against, 68 sq., 75 sq. Barbarossa, Horush, 68 Barbarossa U (Khair Eddin), 68-72, 75-7, 390 Barbesieux (French commander), 59 Barcelona, treaty of (1529), 25, 203 Barlow, William, 571 Barnabites, Order of, 648 Barnes, Dr Eobert, 451 Baron, Pierre, 597 Barton, Elizabeth (the Nun of Canterbury), 441 Basel, 328; Evangelic Diet of (1530), 335; Calvin and Erasmus at, 355 Bassi, Matteo de', 647 Bath of Blood, the Stockholm (Stockhobns Blodbad), 604 B4thory, Stephen, 638 Bavaria, papal concessions to, 169; perse- cution of Lutherans in, 202 Bavaria, William, Duke of, 221, 224, 264 Bayard, Chevalier, 43; death of, 48 Bayham, riot at (1525), 434 Beaune, Jacques de (of Semblan(;ay), 95 Bebel, Heinrich, 152 Beccatello, Lodovioo, 398 Beckenried, Catholic League of (1524), 325 Becket, St Thomas, shrine of, outraged, 449 Beda, Noel, 285 Bedford, Francis' Eussell, Earl of, 495. 499, 567 Bedingfield, Sir Henry, S14, 529 Beldenak (Jens Andersen), . Bishop of Odense, 603 sqq., 618 Belgrade, capture of, by the Turks (1521), 151 ' Bellay, Guillaume du, 284-9 Bellay, Jean du, 281, 284, 287 Bembo, Cardinal Pietro, 16, 80, 118, 379 Benedictines, the, and the religious revivjil, 106; reform of the, 647 Benedictus Deus, the Bull (1564), 686 Benejicio della morte di Crista, the, 389 Benivieni, Girolamo, 702 Bergen, spoliation of the Church at, 618 Berger (Archbishop of Lund), 603 sqq. BerHohingen, Gotz von, 182, 187, 189 Bern, 325, 828 ; Disputation of (1528), 327 Bernardo di Dovizi, see Bibbiena Berni, Francesco, 895 Beroaldo, Filippo (the younger), 15, 16