Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/875

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Indeoo. 837 BeroalduB, Filippo, 8, 16 Berquin, Louis de, 283 sq., 346 Berthelier, Philibert, 362 Berthold, Archbishop of Mainz, 131, 133, 142, 149, 158 Berwick, treaty of (1560), 576 Bessarion, Cardinal, 4 Beton, David, Cardinal and Archbishop of St Andrews, 449, 456 sq. ; murder of, 461 sq., 555 sq. Beton, James, Archbishop of St Andrews, 453 Beuckelssen (Bockelsohn), Jan, see Jan of Leydeu Beza, Theodore, 284, 293-303, 350 sqq., 363, 373, 711, 717, 718 Bibbiena, Bernardo, 8, 15, 16 Bible, versions of the ; German, by Luther, 164 ; French, by Lef Avre d'fetaples, 283 sq. , and by Jean de Efly, 288; Italian, by Brucioli, 383 ; Authorised English (1536), 453, 464; various English, 464-6; Span- ish, 411; Danish, 617; Swedish, 624 sq. Bihlia Hebraica, Sebastian Munster's, 355 Bicocca, battle of the, 45 Biel, Gabriel, 111 Biez, Marshal du, 460 Bigod, Sir Francis, 447 Bilde, Eske (the Kirkebryder), 618 Bilde, Ove (Danish Bishop), 616 BUI, William, Dean of Westminster, 565 Billicanus, German reformer, 160 Billick, Eberhard, 251 Bishops' Book, the, 448 Blandrata, Giorgio, 393, 637 Blarer, Ambrose, 161, 216, 234, 265, 328 "Blood of Hailes," the, 448 Bobadilla, Nicholas, 652 sqq. Boblingen, battle of (1525), 189 Bocher, Joan, 501, 538 Bodenstein, Andrew, of Carlstadt, 117 Boehme, Jakob, 690, 714 sq. Bogbinder (Hans Metzenheim), 604 Bogislav X, Duke of Fomerania, 170 Bohemia and Hungary, 197-9 Bohemian Brethren, the, 160, 635 sq. Boleyn, Anne, Queen of Henry YIH, 67, 429 sqq. , 439 sq. ; beheaded, 445 Bologna, 84, 86, 143; Concordat of (1516), 32,281; conferences of (1529), 60; (1532), 67 ; Council of (1547), 81, 260, 669 ; protest against, 263 sq. Bolsec, Jerome Hermes, 375, 717 Bombasius, 308 Bonaventura, Giovanni, 125, 127 Bonfadio, Jaoopo, 390 Boniface VHI, Pope (Benedetto Gaetani), 31, 127 Bonivard, Franijois de, Abbot of St Victor, 362 Bonner, Edmund, Bishop of London, 440, 484 sqq., 497, 501, 521, 533, 586 Bonnivet, Admiral G. G. de, 44, 47, 48, 97 Book of Common Prayer, the First (1549), 484 sq., 508; the Second (1552 and 1559), 508, 569, 591 Book of Discipline, Knox's (1560), 593 Book of Martyrs, Foxe's, 538 Books, bull concerning printing and pub- lishing of, 31; Indexes of Prohibited, 676, 686 sq. Bordesholm, treaty of (1522), 607 Borgia, Cesare, 1 Borgia, Eodrigo, see Alexander VI, Pope Borromean League, the, 341 Borromeo, St Carlo, Archbishop of Milan, 341, 659, 678 sqq. Bothniensis, Nicolaus, 632 Bothwell, James Hepburn, Earl of, 575 Botticella, Alessandro, 16 Bouillon, 94 Boulogne, British siege and capture of (1544), 78, 459; French siege of, 460; restored to France, 86, 499 Boulogneberg, 493 Bourbon, Antoine de (titular King of Na- varre), 295, 297 sqq., 303, 567 Bourbon, duchy of, its history, 46 Bourbon, Duke of. Constable of France, 46-55, 97, 421, 423 Bourdaloue, Louis, 373 Bourg, Anne du, execution of, 296 Bourg, Antoine du, 286, 296 Bouvines, 89, 94 Bowes, Sir Bobert, 446, 455 Boxall, John, 501 Brabant, 76 Bradford, John, 161, 521, 538, 540 Bramante, D'Urbino D. L., 5, 14 Brandenburg, 237 sq.; Albrecht, Margrave of, 162, 169, 611, 635; Casimir, Mar- grave of, 169, 188, 191; George, Margrave of, 191, 205, 215, 221; John, Margrave of, 238; Joachim I, Elector of, 170, 195 sqq., 215, 220, 237; Joachim 11, Elector of, 237-64, 251, 276 Brandenburg- Cuhnbach, Albert Alcibiades, Margrave of, 87, 252 sq., 270-5 Brandenburg-Custrin, Hans, Margrave of, 251, 253, 264, 270 sq. BrandoUni, BafCaelle, 17 Brandon, Charles, see Suffolk, Duke of Brant, Sebastian, his Ship of Fools, 280 Brask, Johan, Bishop of Linkoeping, 622-7 Breismann, John, 161 Brenz, John, 160, 207, 265, 714 Breslan, 161 Bresse, 94 Breviary, Cardinal Quignon's, 484 Bri(;onnet, GuUlaume, 282 Brinon, President of Eouen, 423 sqq. Brion, Philippe de, 97 Brlssac, Francois de, 86 Bromley, Sir Thomas, 475 Brucioli, Antonio, 379; his Italian trans- lation of the Bible, 383 Bruges, treaty of (1521), 43, 418 Brnn, Eudolf, 312 Bmnfels, Otto, 161