Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/876

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838 Index. Brunnen League, the (1315), SOS Bruno, Giordano, 707-10 Brunswick, attack on (1542), 243; Erio and Heniy, Dukes of, 58, 220, 235, 243, 251, 259 Brunswick-Calenberg, Eric, Duke of, 232, 251, 253 Brunswick-Grubenhagen, Philip, Duke of, 195 Brnnewick-Harburg, Otto, Duke of, 270 Brunswick-Ljineburg, Otto, Ernest, and Francis, Dukes of, 195, 205, 215 sq. Brunswick- Wolfenbiittel, Henry, Dnke of, 195, 251, 275 Brussels, Charles V's ceremony of abdica- tion at, 90 Brydges, Sir John, 620 Brynkelow, 490 Bncer, Martin, 155 sqq., 207-65, 285 sqq., 328 sqq., 408, 477, 502 sq., 508 Buchanan, George, 414, 555 Buckingham, Edward Stafford, Dnke of, execution of, 417 Buda, capture of (1541), 242 Bud6, Guillaume, 287, 351, 710 Bugenhagen, Jakob, in Denmark, 616, 620 Bugenhagen, Johann, 160, 162, 201, 231, 243, 250 BuUinger, Henry, 234, 309, 339 sq., 355, 597 sq., 716 Bundschuh, the, 175 Biinzli, Gregory, 307 Buonagrazia, Girolamo di Bartolommeo, 381 Buonavita, Fietro, 383 Buren, Count van, 45, 47, 78, 256, 422 Burgess, Mark, 414 Burghley, William Cecil, Lord, 504 sq., 507, 517, 564 sqq. Burgo, Nicholas del, 435 Burgundian Circle, the, 102 Burgundy, John, Duke of, 36 Burgundy, 62; duchy of, cession of by France, 51 ; and the Netherlands, 102 Burlamacchi, Francesco, 81 Cadan, peace of (1534), 221, 232 Caistor, rising at (1536), 446 Cajetan, Cardinal (Tommaso de Vio), 16, 20, 30, 132, 138, 641 Calagnani, Celio, 384 Calais, treaty of (1520), 417; conference of (1521), 418; French capture of (1558), 93, 548, 561, 566 Calvi (Minioio), Francesco, 380 Calvin, Gerard, 349 sq., 352 Calvin, John, 216, 285, 294-8, 340, 393, 573 sq., 592 sq., 690; and the Reformed Church, chap, xi, passim; his De de- mentia, 352 sq. ; his Ghristianae Beligionis Imtitutio, 287, 366 sqq., 363, 376; his Letter to Francis I, 356; his connexion with Geneva , 358, 363-74 ; his Ordonnances EccUsiastiques, 370 sqq.; his system of education, 372 sq. ; some special services of, 376 ; at Ferrara, 385 ; his controversy with Serveto, 411 ; philosophical ideas of, 713 sqq. Calvinism, in Scotland, 558, 573 sqq. Camaldolese Congregation, reform of the, 647 Cambray, 89, 102; peace of (1529), 25, 59 sq., 203, 432 Cambridge, proclamation of Queen Mary at, 517; University of, 468, 503 Camera della Segnatv/ra, the, pictures of, 7 Camerino, reduction of (1539), 76 Campagna, Spanish occupation of the, 91 Campanella, Tommaso, 707 Campe, peace of (1546), 461 Campeggio, Lorenzo, Cardinal, 16, 171 sq., 210, 430 Campeggio, Thomas, Bishop of Feltre, 665 Canisius, Peter, 250, 682, 688 Cano, Melchior, 408 sqq., 647, 659 Canossa, Ludovico di, 16. Canterbury, Convocations of (1559), 566; (1563), 687 sq. Cantons, the Swiss Catholic, 326 Capisucohi, Auditor of the Bota, 434 Capito, Wolfgang, 160, 211, 328, 335, 355 Cappelia, Galeazzo, 16 Capua, Pietrantonio di. Archbishop of Otranto, 390 Capuchins, the, 647 Caraccioli, papal Nuncio, 139 Caracciolo, Antonio, 389, 396 Caracciolo, Galeazzo, 387, 390 Caraffa, Carlo, Cardinal, 91 Oaraffa, Giovanni Pietro, see Paul IV, Pope Carew, Sir Nicholas, 449 Carew, Sir Peter, 526 Carinthia, 150 Carlstadt, A. Bodenstein, 138, 165 sqq., 177, 190, 323, 332, 606 Carmel, Gaspard, 295 Came, Sir Edward, 436 sq., 564 Carnesecchi, Pietro, 396 sq. Carniola, 150 Caroli, Peter, 368 Carpi, Cardinal, 656 Carranza, Bartolomfi de. Archbishop of Toledo, 377, 404, 409 sq. Carthusians, the, 442 Cartwright, Thomas, 694 Casa, Giovanni della, 384 Casaubon, Isaac, 718 Caserta, Gian P^ancesoo di, 391 CassUlis, Gilbert Kennedy, Earl of, 466 Castellesi, Cardinal (Adriano di Corneto), 5, 15 Castellio, Sebastian, 375, 716 Oastelnau, Jacques de la Mothe, Baron de, 297 Castelvetro, Lodovico, 386 sq. ; Giaromaria, 387 Gastiglione, Baldassare, 8, 20 Castro, Alfonso de, 402 Oatarino, Ambrogio, 386 Cateau-Cambr^sis, treaty of (1659), 88, 93 sq., 566