Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/877

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Index. 839 Catechiim, Martin Luther's, 201, 613; of Caniaius, 682 Catharine of Aragon, Queen of England, 26, 70, 416 sq., 428 aqq., 437 sqq., 444 Catharine of Austria, marries Eing John III of Portugal, 172 Catholic Beaotion, in Germany, 195-205 Catholic reformers, the, in Italy, 397 sqq.; see aUo chap, ivni, passim Catholic party, defeat of in England (1550), 498 Caturoe, Jean de, 291 Cavour, Oamillo, 35 Cazalla, Agustin, 404, 407 sq. Cazalla, Francisco, 408 Cazalla, Pedro, 408 Cecil, Sir "WUliam, see Burghley, Lord Celibacy of the clergy, 688 Ceresole, battle of (1544), 77 Ceri, Benzo da, 49, 55 Cesarini, Alessandro, 16 Cesi, Paolo Emilio, 16 Chalcondylas, Demetrius, 16 Chambord, treaty of (1552), 87, 271 Ghambre Ardente, the, 293 Champagne, 87 Chantries Bill, the (1547), 482 Chantry lands, confiscation of, in England, 502 sq. Charitable system in the Middle Ages, 108 Charlemont, 89, 102 Charles HI, Duke of Savoy, 70 Charles V, Emperor (Charles I, King of Spain), 23-5 ; his struggle with Francis I, chaps. II, m; and the Beformation in Germany, chaps, v — vni, passim ; his character, 38 sq. ; his election, 40 sq. ; close of his career, 89 sq. ; 416-19, 424, 429, 449, 459, 492, 505, 516, 518, 634 sqq., 660 sqq. Charles VIII (Earl Knudson), King of Sweden and Norway, 600 Charles IX, King of France, 299 sqq., 373 Charles IX, King of Sweden, 630, 632 sq. Chateaubriand, Edict of (1551), 293 Chateaubriand, Madame de, 97 Chfttelherault, James Hamilton (Earl of Arran), Duke of, 456 sqq., 555-9, 574 sq. Chatillon, Cardinal de. Bishop of Beauvais, 300 Cheke, Sir John, 518 Chemiu, Kicolas du, 352 Chemnitz, Martin, 714 Chevau-Ugers, in France, 96 Chieregati, Francesco, papal Nuncio, 32, 170 Chi^vres, see Croy Chigi, Agostino, 10, 14, 17 Cholmeley, Sir Boger, 518 Christ Church, Oxford, 434 Christian I, King of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, 600 sq. Christian II, King of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, 144, 169, 203, 228 sq. ; and the Beformation in Denmark, 602-8, 614 Christian III (Duke of Schleswig), King of Denmark, 77, 220, 229 sqq., 250, 444, 611, 614-17, 619 Christian Art, 7, 34 Christian Civic League, the, in Switzerland, 329 Christian Union, the, in Switzerland, 829 sq. Chriatianae Beligionis Institutio, by John Calvin, 287 sq., 356 sqq., 368, 376 Christina of Denmark, Duchess of Milan (niece of Emperor Charles V), 69, 70, 87 Church and State, relations of, 147 ; ia France, 95; in Spain, 99; in the Nether- lands, 103 ; in Geneva, 360; in Scotland, 595; Calvin's idea of, 369 sq.; Lutheran, 194 sq. Church, the Catholic, early ideas of reform- ation of, 2; demand for reform in, 29; and Beform, chap, xviu, passim ; condition of in France, 280 sq. ; in Scotland, 554; royal authority in, in France, 95, Spain, 99, and in the Netherlands, 103 Church, the Beformed, and Calvin, ohap. XI, passim; the universal and the local, Calvin's idea of, 369 ; development of the Lutheran, 200; Protestant Churches in France, 293 sq. Church of England, 479, 482, 591; desire for uniformity of worship in, 483; and the Puritans, 597 ; of Scotland, 591 Church property, secularisation and spoha- tion of, in England, 195, 502 sq. ; in Norway, 618 Cibd, Caterina, 392 sq. Cib6, Giulio, 84 Cisneros, Dom Garcia de, 657 Cisneros, Herrezuelo de, 407 sq. Cisneros, Leonor de, 408 Cisneros, Ximenesde: see Ximenes, Cardinal Cistercians, reform of the, in Spain, 399 Civita Vecchia, 56 Civitella, siege of (1557), 91 Clarenbach, Adolf, 202 Clement VII, Pope (GiuUo de' Medici), 4- 20, 28, 48-56, 67, 69, 171 sq., 197, 203, 219, 822, 414, 423 sqq., 440, 610, 642 ; his pontificate, 21-7 Clement VIII, Pope (Ippolito Aldobrandini), 687 sq. Clergy, reform of the Spanish, 399 sq. ; Submission of the, in England (1582), 438; marriage of, 645; residence of, 677 sq. ; celibacy of, 683 Cleves, war with (1543), 77; John, Duke of, 75, 236; WilUam, Duke of, 75, 77, 236, 239, 243 sqq., 450 Cochlaeus, Johann, 168, 212, 251 Codure, Jean, 652 sqq. Cognac, League of (1626), 24, 52, 427 Coinage, debasement of English, 470; of Swedish, 622 Cole, Dr Henry, 501, 668 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 710 Coligny, Gaspard de, 92, 295, 298, 803 CoUeges, founded by Cardinal Wolsey, 434 Collegium Oermanicum, the, 656