Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/878

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840 Indeop^ Collegium Bomamm, the, 655 Colocci, Angelo, 15 Colonna, Cardinal Fompeo, 21, 57 Colouua, Fiospero, 44, 45, 48 Colonna, Vittoria, Marchioness of Pescara, 33 sq., 390, 393, 398 Colonna, the, attack Borne, 53 sq., £5 sq, Commendone, Gian Francesco, 519, 637, 681 Commercial revolution, effects of the, 152 ; supremacy of the Baltic Sea, 227 sq. Commonwealth's men, the, 490 Communion, Order for (1548), 482 Complutensian Folyglott, the, 400 Compostella, pilgrimages to, 105 Concordat, the, of Bologna (1516), 32, 281 Condd, Louis I, Prince of, 295, 298 sq. Gondiivi, Ascanio, 34 Confession of Augsburg, 211 ; Confutation of the, 212 sq. Confraternities, reBgious, in Germany, 108, 122 Congregation of Jesus Christ, the, 558, 573 eqq. Connan, Franpois, 351 Consensus Tigurinus, the, by Calvin and BuUinger, 340 Consilium de emendanda Ecclesia, the (1537), 33, 379, 643 Consilium... super Beformatione sanctae Bo- manae JEcclesiae, the (1537), 644 Consistory, Calvin's, 374 sq. Consolidation, territorial, in Europe at be- ginning of sixteenth century, 36 sq. Constance, 205, 328; Council of (1414), 107, 128 Constantino, see La Fuente Contarini, Francesco, 23, 381 Contarini, Gasparo, Cardinal, 33, 379, 393, 398, 641-4, 660 Contrition and Attrition, distinction be- tween, 126 Convention, Lutheran, at Naumburg (1555), 276 Convocations of Canterbury (1559), 566; (1563), 587 sq. Cop, Guillaume, 351; Jean, 351; Nicolas, 285, 351, (Bectorial address) 354; Michel, 351 Copenhagen, University of, 605, 617; Ser- redag of (1530), 612 sq. ; Eecess of (1536), 620 Copernicus, 707 Cordier, Mathurin, 286, 351, 372 Corneto, see Castellesi Cornwall, rising in (1549), 485 Coronel, Pablo, 400 Corpus Christi Day, 503 Corpus Juris Canonici, the, 686 Corro, Antonio del, 406 , Corsica, 88, 94 Cortes, Fernando, 101 Cortese, Gregorio, 33, 379, 641 sqq., 647 CorvinuB, Matthias, King of Hungary, 198 Cosimo I, Duke of Florence, 72, 82, 88, 396 sq. Ootta, Frau, 110 Coucy, Edict of (1635), 286 sq. Council of the North, in England, 471 Counter-Beformation, the, chap, zvin, pas- sim; in Italy, 33, 647; in Switzerland, 338; in Germany, chap, vi, passim; in Spain, 646 Count's war (Grevefeide), the (1534), 230, 614 sq. ConrriSres, de, 525 Courtenay, Edward, see Devonshire, Earl of Coverdale, Miles, Bishop of Exeter, 501, 539; his version of the Bible, 465 Cox, Bichard, Bishop of Ely, 557, 565, 575 Craig, John, 591 Cranach, Lucas, 159 Cranmer, Thomas, Archbishop of Canter- bury, 219, 241, 433, 439 sqq., 481, 484, 495, 503, 608, 621, 638-42, 559 Cremona, siege of (1526), 53 Crdpy, peace of (1544), 78, 245, 289, 459 Crescenzio, Marcello, Cardinal, 671 sqq. Croft, Sir James, 526 Crome, Edward, 539 Cromwell, Thomas, see Essex, Eail of Crowley, Eobert, 490 Croy, Guillaume de. Sire de Chidvres, 38 Oruciger, Caspar, 207, 250 Cujus regio ejus religio, 278 Gum ad nihil, the Bull (1531), 413 sq. Curione, Celio Secondo, 382, 385, 391, 716 Curwen, Dr Eichard, 438 Cusano, Benedetto, 390 Dacke, Nels, 627 Dacre, Thomas, Lord, 420 Dacres, William, Lord, 441 Dalecarlia, 621, 624 Damvillers, 93 Daniel, Francois, 362; Calvin's letters to, 353 Dante, Alighieri, 2, 35, 128 Dare, Jurien van der (Georgius Aportanus), 160 Damley, Henry Stewart, Lord, 458, 560, 582 Dataria, the, 673 Dati, Giuliano, 379 De Clementia, the, Calvin's Commentary on, 352 sq. Be Donatione Constantini Magni, the, 694 De haeretico comburendo, the statute, 540 Decretals, the Papal, 135 Denmark, early history of, 599 sqq.; the Eeformation in, 602-17; and Liibeok, war between, 228 sqq. Denny, Sir Anthony, 475 Descartes, Een4, 690, 710 Devonshire, Edward Courtenay, Earl of, 523-8, 544 Diaz, Alfonso, 403 Diaz, Juan, 403; murder of, 254 Diuant, 89 Disputations: Luther's with John Eok, 135; the Zurich (1523), 317 sqq.; at Baden (1526), 326; at Bern (1628), 327