Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/879

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Index. 841 DitmarBphen, revolt of the, 601 Dolet, Etienne, 288; his death, 291 DSllinger, J. J. von, 30 . Dominicans, the, and the religions revival, 106, 161 Dominioi, Giovanni, 3 Doria, Andrea, 49, 57 sqq., 69, 74, 77, 81 sq., 430 Doria, Filippino, 58 Dorset, Henry Grey, Marquis of, 422; see Suffolk, Duke of Douglas, Gawin, 691 Douglas, Lady Margaret, 445, 458 Douglas, Sir George, 454, 457 Dragut, Turkish corsair, 86 Drury, Sir William, 514 Dryander, James, see Enzinas, J4ime de Dryander, see Enzinas, Francisco de Dual Monarchy, nucleus of the present, 150 Dublin, siege of (1534), 442 Dueas, Demetrios, 400 Dudley, Ambrose, Lord, 518 Dudley conspiracy, the (1556), 544 Dudley, Guilford, Lord, 510, 518, 528 Dudley, John.Earl of Warwick, see Warwick, Earl of Dudley, Bobert, see Leicester, Earl of Dudley, Sir Henry, 505, 544 Dunbar, Gawin, Bishop of Aberdeen, 453 Dunbar, William, 691 Dunkirk, 93 Dunstable, Cranmer's "Court" at, 440 Duprat, Antoine, Archbishop of Sens, 147, 284 sqq. Duren, capture of (1543), 77, 244 Durer, Albrecht, 159, 167 Dussindale, battle of (1549), 493 Eberach, Henry and Peter, 111 Eberlin, John, of Giiuzburg, 159 sqq.; Utopian scheme of, 183 sq. Eck, John (of Ingolstadt), 29, 130, 134 sq., 138, 162, 212, 240, 326; his Obelisks, 130; his Loci Communes, 172 Eck, John (Official of Trier), 140 Eck, Leonard von, 191 Edict of January (1562), the, 304; of July (1561), the, 301; of Bestitution (1561), the, in Prance, 803 Edinburgh, 459, 556 ; treaty of (1560), 577 Education, Calvin's system of, 372 sq. ; in Switzerland, 318; in England, 468, 503 Edward VI, King of England, 448, chap. XIV, passim Bgidio, »ee Gil, Juan Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, Luther's, 201 Einarsen, Gisser, Bishop of SkaUiolt, 621 Einsiedeln, pilgrimages to, 105 Eisenach, Luther's life at, 109 sq. Elba, 84, 88 Election of Charles V to the Empire, its significance, 40 sq. Eleonora, Queen of Portugal, and France, 51, 59, 7B, 427 Eliaesen, Paul (Povel Helgesen), 606, 609 Elizabeth, Queen of England, 93, 441, 520, 624, 629, 635, 544, 659-98 Elizabeth of Yaloia, Queen of Spain, 93 sq., 666 Ellerker, Sir Ealph, 446 Elstowe, Henry, 438 Bmser, Jerome, 168, 172, 321 Enckenvoert, Cardinal, 21 Enclosure commissions, the, in England, 491 Engelbrektsson, Olaf, Archbishop of Tron- &jem, 618 sqq. Enghien, Francois, Duo d', 77 sq., 97 England, the Beformation in, under Henry Vin, cbap. xin, passim ; under Edward VI, chap. XIV, passim; under Philip and Mary, chap. XV, passim; the religious settlement of, under Queen Elizabeth, 559-98; at- tempted union with Scotland (1547), 487; social revolution in, 489 sq. Enzinas, Francisco de, 401 sqq. Enzinas, J&ime de, 350, 387, 402 sq. EpiscopaUanism and Presbyterianism, in Scotland, 593 Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum, the, 696 Erasmistas, the, in Spain, 400 sqq. Erasmus, Desiderius, 9-24, 152, 162, 167 sq., 280, 307 sqq., 342, 352, 694; ZwingU's relation to, 314; reception of his writings in Spain, 400 sq. ; his residence and death at Basel, 355, 414; his letters, critical work and religious attitude, 697-700 Erastianism, 595 sq. Brastus (Thomas Liiber), 595 sq. Breinites, the Angustinian, 106, 114, 117, 131 Erfurt, University of, Luther at, 110 sqq. ; humanists of, 111 Erik VII, King of Denmark (Erik XIH, King of Sweden), 600 Erik XIV, King of Sweden, 629 Eriksson, Gustaf, 603 sq., 621; see Gustavus I (Vasa) Essex, Thomas CromweU, Earl of, 432, 440, 442 sqq. ; beheaded, 451 sq. ; 466 Estates of Orleans, meeting of (1661), 299 sqq. Este, Alfonso d', 43 Este, Ippolito d'. Cardinal of Ferrara, 302 sq., 584 Esthonia, 144 lEstienne, Bobert and Henry, 718 Btampes, Madame d', 97, 98 Eucharist, doctrine of the, 209, 645, 671, 677 sqq. ; decree concerning, 330; question of, 332 sq. Europe, finance of, 65; settlement of, by the Treaty of Cateau-Cambr^sis, 94 Evangelical Brotherhood, the, 180, 188 Evers, Sir Ealph, 460 Excommunication, Bull of, issued against Henry VIII, 67, 440, 449; against Martin Luther, 138 sq. Exeter, Henry Oourtenay, Marquis of, exe- cution of, 449 Exposcit pastoralit officii, the Bull (1560), 665 Extreme Unction, Sacrament of, 672