Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/880

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"Eyguenots," the, at Geneva, 362 Faber, Johann, 168, 212, 233, 316 sqq., 826 Faber Stapulensis, see Lefèvre d'Etapleg Fabro, Antonio (of Amiterno), 17 Fagius, Paul, 265, 477 Faith, rule of, 665 sq. Falloppio, Gabriele, 886, 395 Fannie (or Fanino), execution of, 387 Farel, Guillaume, 282 sq., 291 sq., 358, 362, 368 Farnese, Alessandro, Cardinal, 255, 662; see also Paul III, Pope Farnese, Orazio, 82 Farnese, Ottavio, 72, 75, 84 sq. Farnese, Pierluigi, 69, 72, 80; murder of, 83 Favera, Guarino di, Bishop o£ Novara, his Thesaurus linguae Graecae, 17 Feohen, Peter, 630 Feckenham, John de, 543 Ferdinand, King of Aragon, 149 sq., 399 Ferdinand I, Emperor, 66 sq., 143, 160, 169 sqq., 190, 197, 199, 201, 216, 218, 221, 233 sqq., 267, 272, 276 sq., 336, 537; elected King of Bohemia and Hungary, 198 sq. ; elected King of the Bomans, 214; and the Council of Trent, 674 sqq. Feria, Count de, 549, 561 sqq. Fernandes, Alfonso, 401 Feron, Bobert, 442 Ferrar, Nicholas, 389 Ferrar, Bobert, Bishop of St David's, 538 sq. Ferrara, the Beform at, 384 ; Calvin at, 358, 885; Alfonso, Duke of, 44, 54 sqq., 60 sq., 67; Ercole, Duke of, 384 sqq. Feireni, Zaccaria, 30 Feuerbaoher, Matern, 182 sq., 187 sq. Feyt, Florentius, 631 Ficino, Marsilio, 4, 7, 8, 16, 701 Fidei ratio ad Carolumlnuperatorem, the, 335 Field of Cloth of Gold, 42, 417 Fiesoo, Gianluigi, conspiracy of, 81 sq. Finance of Europe, 65 Fii-st-fruits, Act for abolishing payment of from England to Borne (1532), 437, 439 Fisher, John, Bishop of Eochester, 428, 431, 433, 436, 441; execution of, 443 Fitzgerald, Thomas, Lord, 442 Fitzwilliam, Admiral, 472 Five Scholars of Lausanne, execution of the, 293 Flaminio, Marcantonio, 17, 28, 379, 389 sq., 398 Flanders, 76, 102; English commercial truce with (1628), 430 Fleuranges, B. de La Marck, Lord of, 71 Florence, 60 ; the Eenaiseance in, 3 ; Pla- tonism introduced into, 4; fall of (1530), 25, 60 ; joins the League of Cognac, 55 ; the Medici expelled and a Bepublic established in (1527), 56; restoration of the Medici (1530), 60; Platonic Academy of, 702 Plysteden, Peter, 202 Folengo, Giambattista, 390 Fonseca, Alonso, Archbishop of Toledo, 401 Fonseca, Diogo da, 415 Fontainebleau, Edict of (1540), 288 Fonzio, Bartolommeo, 381 sq. Forty-two Articles, the, 508 Fourteen of Meaux, execution of the, 290 Foxe, Edward, 430 Fraoastan, G., 16 Franc, Jeanne le, marries John Calvin, 350 France, wars and invasions of (1522-3), 45 sqq., 420 sqq.; (1543-4), 78, 467 sqq.; (1549), 493 ; internal developments of, 95 sqq. ; negotiations of German Princes with, 270 sq. ; the Beformation in, chap. IX, passim; the Beformed Church in, 346-9; Calvin's influence in, 349, 373 ; English aUiances with, 416 sq., 429; Scotch alliance with, 422 ; treaties with (1625), 425; Cardinal Wolsey's mission to, 428 ; her connexion with Scotland, 499, 558, 674-7; and England, their war against Charles Y (1528) and its effect upon trade, 429; her First War of Ee- ligion (1562), 584 Francis I, King of France, 23 sqq., 82, 143, 232 sq., 315, 416-29, 440, 449; his struggle with Charles V, chaps, n, in, passim ; and the Beformation in France, 281-92 ; his character, 38, and death, 82; Calvin's Letter to, 356; interviews with Henry Vni, 417, 439 Francis II, King of France, 93, 296-9, 499, 548, 557 ; and the Council of Trent, 674 sqq. Franciscans, the, and the religious revival, 106, 161; reform of the, in Spain, 400; in Italy, 647 Franck, Sebastian, 223 Frankenhausen, battle of (1525), 188 Frankfort, conferences of (1531), 217; (1539), 238 Frauenberg, storming of the (1526), 188 sq. Frederick I, King of Denmark and Norway, 169, 224, 229; and the Beformation in Denmark, 608-14, and Norway, 618 sq. Frederick II, Elector Palatine, 229, 258 Frederick III, Elector Palatine, 596 sq., 619 Frederick III the Wise, Elector of Saxony, 41, 116, 132-72, 606 Freducci, Ludovioo, lord of Fermo, 14 Free Bailiwicks, the, in Svritzerlaud, 331 "Free" Churches, 200 Fregoso, Cesare, murder of, 76 Pregoso, Federigo, Cardinal, 33, 379 sq. Frei, Felix, 810 Frei, Jacob, 331 Freiburg in Breisgau, capture of (1525), 182 French Benaissance, the, 710-12 Fresze, Hermann, 618 Friedwald, treaty of (1552), 271 Friesland, 102 Friis, Jorgeu, Bishop of Viborg, 610, 613 Froben, John, 308, 365 Frosohauer (Swiss printer), 308, 312 sq., 316 Frundsberg, Georg von, 54, 55, 190, 197 Fuenterabbia, 44, 46, 418, 423