Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/881

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Index. 843 Puggers, the, of Augsburg, 40, 63, 127, 153; Jacob Fugger, 153 ; Anton Fugger, 258 Fuistenberg, Count William von, 78 Gabelle du sel, in France, 96 Gaboldino, Antonio, 386 sq. Gadd, Hemming, Bishop of Linkoping, 603, 607 Gaismayr, Michael, 190 sq. Galateo, Girolamo, 381; his Confession, 382 Galilei, Galileo, 707 GaUars, Nicolas des, 302, 592 Galle, Peter, 624 GaUioanism, old and new, 95 Gallo, Niccold, 393 Garei-Arias (Maestro Blanco), 406 Garcia, Fray de, 541 Garcia, Juan, 408 Gardiner, Stephen, Bishop of Winchester, 480, 475-508, 517-42 Gardiner, William, 414 Gargcmtua, by Francois Rabelais, 287 Gdrtnerbrilder, the, of Salzburg, 223 Gassendi, Pierre, 691 Gates, Sir John, 520 Gattinara, Mercurino, 52, 148, 210 Geiler Ton Eaisersberg, 29 Geissberger, Franz, 331 Gelders, duchy of, 75, 77, 236, 242 ; con- quest of (1543), 244; Charles, Duke of, 43, 51, 60, 72, 75, 102 Geneva, Bishop of, position occupied by the, 859 ; relations with the House of Savoy, 361 ; revolt against, 362 ; political constitution and history of, 368-63; Calvin's connexion with, 358, 368-74; his College and Academy at, 373 Genoa, sack of (1522), 45 ; BepubUc estab- lished in (1528), 59; conspiracy at (1546), 81 Gentile, Valentino, 393 George, bastard son of Maximilian I, 102 Germany, chaps, iii, iv, passim; national opposition to Borne in, chap, v, passim ; Social Bevolution and Catholic Beaction in, chap, vi, passim; conflict of creeds and parties in, chap, vii, passim; Beli- gious war in, chap, vm, passim; popular religions life in, 105 sqq. ; effect of Charles Vs reign on, 145 sq. Geroldseck, Diebold von, 821, 337 Gerson, Jean, 281 Geyer, Florian, 182, 188; death of, 190 Ghent, revolt of (1539), 74 sq. Giammaria (Count of Verrucohio), 18 Giberti, Giammatteo, Bishop of Verona, 23, 33, 60, 379, 398, 641 sqq., 660 Gioberti, Viucenzio, 35 Gil, Juan (Egidio), 404 sq. Giorgio, Domenico, 387 Giovenale, Latino, 879 Giovio, Paolo, 15, 21 Giustiniani, Paolo, 647 Gjoe, Mogens, 611, 614 Glapion, Jean, 148 Glareanus, see Loriti Glencairn, Alexander Cunningham, Earl of, 456 sq., 558 God, the Will of, 716 sq. Goes, Damiao de, 414 sq. GSldli, George, 887 Goldli, Heinrich, 807 Goletta, capture of (1585), 69 Gonesius, Peter, 687 Gonzaga, Ercole di. Cardinal of Mantua, 676-82 Gonzaga, Ferrante di, Governor of Milan, 70, 81, 83 sqq., 88 Gonzaga, GiuUa di. Duchess of Traietto and Countess of Fondi, 33, 890 sq. Gonzales, Juan, 406 Goodman, Christopher, 585, 591 Gorka, Andreas, 636 Gothus, Laurentius Petri, Archbishop of XJpsala, 630 Gozzadini, Giovanni, 17 Grafenfelide (Grevefeide), the, in Denmark (1584), 230, 614 sqq. Grammont, de, Bishop of Tarbes, embassy of, 427 sq. Granada, Luis de, 409 Granvelle, Antoine de. Bishop of Arras, 98, 240 sq., 258, 268 Grassi, Francesco, 83 Gratius, Ortwinus (Ortwin de Graes), 696 Gravamina Germanicae Nationis, by Jakob Wimpheling, 29 Gravelines, battle of (1558), 93 ; interview of (1520), 42, 417 Great Harry, the, 472 Grebel, Jacob and Conrad, 822 Greek New Testament (Erasmus"), 699 Greek printing-press, established at Verona 23; in Germany, 111 Gregorovius, Ferdinand, 19, 25, 28 Gregory XIH, Pope (Hugo Buoneompagni), 410, 631 sq. Grey Friars Observants, the, 441 Grey, Lady Jane, 510, 513 sqq., 528 Grey, Leonard, Lord, 452, 471 Grey, Thomas, Lord, 528 Gribaldi, Matteo, 393 Grillenzone, 386 Grimani, Dominic, Cardinal, 15, 458 Gringore, Pierre, his Le Jeu du Prince des Sots, 281 Gropper, Johann, 240, 243, 667 Grosswardein, treaty of (1588), 236, 242 Grumbach, Wilhelm von, 190, 274 Grttt, Joachim am, 822, 375 Grynaeus, Simon, 855 Guasto, Alfonso del, 58, 65, 72, 77 Gndmundarsen, David, 621 Guerrero (Archbishop of Granada), 676 sqq. Guidiocioni, Cardinal, 653 Guidocerius, Agacius, 17 Guienne, revolt of (1548), 96, 492 Guines, treaty of (1520), 416: capture of (1558), 98