Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/882

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844 Index. Crnise, Charles de, Cardinal of Lorraine, 83, 91 sqq., 98, 296 sq., 302, 680-4 Guise, Claude, Due de, 98 Guise, Franpois, Due de, 87, 98, 545 sqq. Guise, Jean de, Cardinal of Lorraine, 98 Guise, siege and capture of (1557-8), 92 sq. Guises, the, and Diane de Poitiers, 98 ; and the Beformation in France, 296-9 Gustavus I (Vasa), King of Sweden, 228 sq., 245, 615, 621-9 Gyllenstjerna, Christina, 603 Gyldenstjerne, Enud, Bishop of Odense, 608, 613 sqq., 619 Haddington, capture of (1548), 488 Hakon, King of Norway, 600 Hale, John, 442 Hales, John, his Discowrse of the Common Weal, 490 sq. Halle, Catholic League of (1533), 220, 232 Haller, Berthold, 315, 327 Hallom, John, 447 Hamelin, Philibert, 292 Hamilton, John, Primate of Scotland, 558 Hamilton, Patrick, 554 Hampton Court, treaty of (1562), 684 Hancock, Thomas, 480 Haner (German reformer), 333 Hangest, Charles de, 350 Hannart, Franz, 156, 157, 171 Hanseatic League, the, 228, 614 Harpsfield, Nicholas, 501 Hastings, Henry, 560 Hastwell, Sir Edmund, 383 Havre, English expedition to (1562), 584 Hawkes, Thomas, 538 Heath, Nicholas, Archbishop of Tork, 484, 501, 521, 548, 564-71 Hedio, Caspar, 207, 328, 333 Hegel, George William Frederick, 714 Hegius, Alexander, 168 Heideck, George von, 270 Heidelberg, 238; League of (1553), 274 Heilbronn, 205 Held, Matthias, German Vice-Chancellor, 235 Helding, Michael, suffragan Bishop of Mainz, 264 Helfenstein, Count Ludwig von, 187 Helius Bobanus Hessus (Eoban of Hesse) , 111 Helvetic Confession, the first (1536), 339 Henneberg, William, Count of, 188 Henry II, King of France, 26, 65, 76, 80, 82 sqq., 270 sq., 486 sq., 492 sqq., 605, 526, 645 sq., 660; and the Beformation in France, 292 sqq. Henry VII, King of England, 555 Henry VIII, King of England, chap, xni, passim,, 26, 42 sqq., 67, 77 sqq., 172, 229 sqq., 474 sqq., 566 Heroulano (Portuguese historian), 413 Heresbach, Conrad, 236 Hernandez, Julian, 406 sq. Hertford, Edward Seymour, Earl of, 459 sq., 474 sq, ; see Somerset, Duke of Hesdin, 72, 89, 94; siege of (1622), 420 Hesse, Philip, Landgrave of, 166, 169, 189-254, 329, 334 sqq. Hesse, William, Landgrave of, 270 sq. Hetzer, Ludwig, 223 Hen, Gaspard de, 297 Heusenstamm, Sebastian von, 261 Hipler, Wendel, 184, 187 Hobbes, Thomas, 691 Hoby, Sir PhUip, 495 Hoen, Cornelius van, 332 Hoffman, Conrad, 314, 320 Hofmann, Melchior, 224, 611 Holcot, Bobert, 251 Holgate, Bobert, Archbishop of Tork, 448, 452, 471, 521 Holstein, Frederick, Duke of, 228 Homilies, Cranmer's Book of, 481 Hooper, John, Bishop of Gloucester, 497 sqq., 539 Home, Bobert, Bishop of Winchester, 668, 586, 593 sq. Hosius, Stanislaus, Cardinal, 631, 636, 676, 682 Hotman, Francois, his Letter sent to the Tiger of France, 297 Hettinger, Nicholas, 319 Houghton, Prior, 442 Howard, Catharine, Queen of Henry VIII, 451 ; beheaded, 453 Howard, Thomas, Lord, 445 Hoya, Count Johann von, 230 Hubmaier, Balthasar, 178 Huguenots, the, chap, ix, passim; perse- cution of, 283 sqq., 346-8 Hugues, Bezanson, 362 Humanists, of Erfurt, lllj breach between Eeformers and, 168 Hungary, Turkish wars in, 86, 206 sq.; Turkish conquest of (1541), 242 ; cause of its ruin at the battle of Mfohics, 197 sq.; Ferdinand I's treaty with (1538), 236; and Bohemia, 197-9 Huntingdon, Henry Hastings, Earl of, 582 Hus, John, 175; On the Church, 313 Hut, Hans, 224 Hutten, tJkioh von, 9, 152 sqq., 314, 694, 696 sq. Iceland and Norway, the Beformation in, 617-21 Idealism, Italian, 34 sq. Illyrious, Flaoius, see Vlaoich lUyricuB, Thomas, 291 Imperia, her epitaph, 16 Index Bxpurgatorius, 288 Index Librorum Prohibitorum, the, 676, 686 sq. Indies, the Spanish, 101 Indulgences, sale and practice of, 121-32 ; Zwingli and, 313 Inghirami, Fedro, 8, 15, 16 Inquisition, the, in the Netherlands, 103;