Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/883

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Index. 845 the Bomaai, 381 sqcj., 649-51 ; theSpanish, 99, 399 sqq., 650; the Portuguese, 412 eqq. Institution of a Christian Man, the, 448 Interim, the Augsburg (1548), and its results, 264 sqq.; the Leipzig, 266 Introduction to Christian Doctrine, by Zwiugli, 320 Ipswich, Wolsey's College at, 484 Ireland, policy of Henry VIII in, 471 sq. Irish Eebellion (1534), 442 Isabella, Queen of CastUe, 399 Isabella, Queen of Denmark, 169, 602 Isabella of Portugal, Queen of Spain, 53, 74, 424 Isny, 205 Italy, the Benaissance in, chap, i, passim; conflicts of Habsburg and Valois in, chaps, n, ni, passim; Charles V's invasion of (1526), 24; decadence of, 27 sq.; the Connter-Beformation in, 33, 647 sq. ; the fate of, 34 sq. ; resources of, 64 ; leagues of the powers of, 60, 67 ; Beformation in, 378-99; German influence in, 380 Jacob of Jiiierbogk, 111 Jacohsbriider, the, 105 Jakobsson (Suunenvseder), Peter, 623 James IV, King of Scotland, 553 James V, King of Scotland, 448, 453-6, 555 Jamet, Ii6on, 384 Jan of Leyden (Jan Beuckelssen), 225 sqq. Jedburgh, destruction of, 422 Jensen, Peder, 609 Jemingham, Sir Bobert, 429 sq. Jesuit Fathers, the, 651-9; at the Council of Trent, 667 sq., 671 Jewel, John, Bishop of Salisbury, 161 Joao III, King of Portugal, 172, 412 sqq. Johan in, King of Sweden, 629-32 John, Bishop of Meissen, 238, 243 John, Don, of Austria, 409 Jonas, Justns, 201, 207 Joner, Wolfgang, Abbot of Kappel, 320, 337 Jonsson, Thure, 626 sq. Jud, Leo, 223, 316, 318 jaioh-Gleves, duchy of, 75,236, 239, 243 sqq. Julius Exclusus, dialogue, 9 Julius II, Pope (Giuliano della Bovere), 5-10, 30, 281, 426 Julius HI, Pope (Giovanni Maria del Monte), 85 sqq., 90, 399, 519, 655, 663 sqq., 670-2 Justification, doctrine of, 645, 667 sq. Jutland, rising in (1534), 614 sq. Juusten, PauluB, 629 Kalands, the, in Germany, 108 Kahnar, the Union of (1397), 228, 600 Kappel, first peace of (1529), 332; battle and second peace of (1531), 216, 337 sq. Karl Knudson, see Charles VIII Kaser, Leonhard, 202 Kaufa, Kilian, 331 Kelso, 420, 456 Kempen, Stephen, 161 Kempten, 205; Abbots of, 176 Kent, Holy Maid of (Elizabeth Barton), 441 Kent, rising in (1554), 527 Kepler, Johann, 690 Ket, Bobert, his rebellion (1549), 492 Kettenbaoh, Henry of, 161 Khair Eddin, see Barbarossa II Kildare, Gerald, Earl of, 442, 471 King's Book, the, 448 Kingston, Sir Anthony, 544 Kingston, Sir William, 435 Kitchin, Anthony, Bishop of Llandaff, 571 Knight, Dr, 429 Knightly order, the, 154 Knights' war, the (1522), 155 Knipperdollinck, Burgomaster of Miinster, 226 sq., 624 Knox, John, 374, 495, 502, 556-60, 573 sqq., 591 sqq., 691; his First Book of Discipline, 593 Kok, Jorgen, 610 Krumpen, Otte, 603 La Baume, Pierre de, 361 sq. La BrossS (French ambassador), 458 La Bruy&re, Jean de, 711 La Cava (Giovanni Tommaso SanfeUce), 390, 666 , La Forge, Btienne de, 354 La Fuente, Constantino Ponce de, 404 sqq. La Marck, Bobert de, Lord of Bouillon, 43, 60, 89 La Quadra, Alvaro de, Bishop of Aquila, 582 sqq. La Bamee, Pierre de, 710 La Eenaudie, Godefroy de Barry, Seigneur de, 297 La Bochelle, revolt of (1542), 96 Lachmann (German reformer), 160 Lacizi, Paolo, 391 Lambert, Fran9oiB, 200 Landino, Cristoforo, 701 Landrecies, siege of (1543), 77, 457 Landstuhl, fall of (1523), 155 sq. Lang, Matthew, Cardinal Archbishop of Salzburg, 29, 147, 182 Lange, John, 111, 112 Languet, Hubert, 384, 578 Lannoy, Charles de, 48, 55 sq. Las Casas, Bartolom6 da, 101 Lasearis, John, 16 Lasco, John k (LaskiJ, 477, 502, 617, 636 sq. Last Judgment, Michelangelo's, 34 Lateran Council, the Fifth (1512-17), 9, 30-2, 639 Latimer, Hugh, Bishop of Worcester, 161, 445, 490, 521, 538-41 Latin Benaissance, the, 700-10 Latins, the, contrasted intellectually with the Teutons, 692 sq. Lauffen, encounter of (1534), 221 LaurentiuB, Jesuit Father, 631 Lautrec, Odet de Foiz, Vioomte de, 24, 44 sq., 57 sqq., 97, 429 sq. Lavater, Budolf, 337