Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/885

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Index. 847 Madeleine, Princess of Fiance, Qneen of Scotland, 455 Madrid, treaty of (1526), 51, 426 Madruzzo, Ghristofero, Cardinal of Trent, 661 sqq. Madrnzzo, Ludoyioo, Bishop of Trent, 676 Magdeburg, pictures at, seen hy Luther, 109 sq. ; siege and capitulation of (1550), 269 sq. Magni, Joannes (Johan Magnusson), Arch- bishop of Upsala, 622-5 Magno, Marcantonio, 390 Magnusson, Peter, Bishop-elect of Yesteras, 623 Maillard, Olivier, 280 Mainz, Albrecht of Brandenburg, Elector of, 40 sq. Maitlahd of Lethington, Sir William, 550, 558, 573 sqq. Malebranche, Nicolas de, 691 Maligny, Jean de, 298 Malines, 102 Malta, given to the Knights of St John, 60, 68 Malvenda, Pedro de, 251, 403 "Mamelukes," the, at Geneva, 362 Maugin, Etienne, 290 Manrique, Isabella, of Brisegna, 390 Manrique (Spanish Inquisitor-General), 401 Mansfeld, Gebhard and Albrecht, Counts of, 196, 215, 259, 261 Mantua, Federigo di Gonzaga, Duke of, 48, 57, 60, 68, 72 Manuel, Nicholas, 327, 332 Manz, Felix, 322 sq. Manzioli, Angelo, lus Zodiacus Vitae, 384 Marbeck, John, 466 Marburg, Conference of (1529), 207 sqq., 333; Articles of, 209; University of, 201 Marcellus II, Pope (Marcello Cervini), 90, 534, 656, 663 sqq., 672 sq. Marciano, 88 Marck, Evrard de la. Bishop of LiSge, 102 Marck, Bobert de la. Lord of Bouillon and Sedan, 43, 60, 89 Maresio, Giulio, 397 Margaret, Duchess of Alenfon, 283, 426 Margaret of Parma, Begent of the Nether- lands, 578 sq.; Spanish ambassador's letter to, 582 Margaret of Savoy, Begent of the Nether- lands, 40, 59, 66, 102, 143, 424 Margaret, Queen of Navarre, 284 sqq,, 353, 384 ; her Mirror of a Sinful Soul, 354 Margaret, Queen of Norway, Sweden and Denmark (the Semiramis of the North), 600 Margaret Tudor, Queen of Scotland, 419 sq., 422, 453 sq., 555, 560 Maria of Hungary, Begent of the Nether- lands, 66, 74, 102, 448 Marian persecution, the, 533. 538 sqq. Marienburg, 89, 93, 102 ' Marignano, Gian Giacomo Medichino, Marquis of, 88 Marillac, Charles de. Archbishop of Vienne, 297 sq. Marlar, Anthony, 466 Marot, Clement, 286, 384, 690 Marramaque, Antonio Pereira, 414 Marschalk, Nicholas, 111 Marseilles, siege of (1524), 49, 423; con- ference of (1533), 68, 285 Martinengo, Count Massimiliano Celso, 391 Martinengo, papal Nuncio, 583 Martinuzzi, George, Bishop of Grosswar- dein, 242, 268 Martyrology, Crespin's, 293 Martyrs, Protestant, 283 sqq., 346 sq., 533; the Oxford, 537-43 Mary of Lorraine, Queen of Scotland, 455, 548, 555 sqq., 567, 572-7 Mary Stewart, Queen of Scots, 93, 456 sqq., 493, 499, 548, 555 sqq., 574, 581, 595 Mary Tudor, Queen of England, 92 sq., 417, 419, 424, 428, 445, 470, 485, 499, 503 sq., 559 ; her reign, chap, xv, passim Mary Tudor, Princess of England, Queen of Prance, Duchess of Suffolk, 560 Mary Ease, loss of the, 460, 472 Mason, Sir John, 496 Mass, abolition of the, in Switzerland, 321 ; in England, 571; in Scotland, 579; language used in the, in England, 482; and the First Prayer-book of Edward VI, 484 sq. ; doctrine of the, 679 Mass-book, Swedish (Ordo Missae Sueticae), 628 Massaro, Vincenzio, 381 Matthys, Jan, 225 sq. Mauburnus (Johannes Momboir), 657 Mausoleum of Pope JuHus 11, interpreta- tion of the paintings, 6 Maximilian I, Emperor, 29, 39 sq., 132 sq., 139, 176, 198 Maxwell, Bobert, Lord, 456 Mayr, Martin, 29 Mazza, Antonio, 513 Mazzolini, Silvester (Prierias), 131, 138 Meaux preachers, the, and the Sorbonne, 283; execution of the Fourteen of, 290 Mecklenburg, Henry, Duke of, 196, 203; Albrecht, Duke of, 230; George, Duke of, 269, 273 ; Johann Albrecht, Duke of, 270 Medici, House of, chap, i, passim Medici, Alessandro de', Duke of Florence, 25, 60, 72 Medici, Catharine de', marriage of, 26, 98 ; and the Eeformatiou in France, 296-304 Medici, Cosimo de' (Pater Patriae), 4, 72, 81, 82, 88 Medici, Giovanni de': see Leo X, Pope Medici, Giovanni de' (leader of the Black Italian Bands), 44, 48, 50, 54 Medici, Giuliano de', 15, 22 Medici, Giulio de' : see Clement VII, Pope Medici, Lorenzo de' (the Magnificent), 3, lo. Id, ^A