Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/886

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848 Index. Mediterranean, Muslim pirates in the, 68 sq.; war in the (1636), 72 Mehedia, 86 Mehlen, Bernhard von, 623 Meier, Jacob, of Basel, 334 Meier, Sebastian, 327 Melanchthon, Philip, 132, 162, 165; 189- 213, 233, 240 sq., 250, 265 sq., 285 sq., 402, 698, 713; his Lod Communes, 165, 233, 380 Melliui, Celso, 16 Melun, edict of (1533), 285 Melville, Andrew, 691 Memmingen, 205; Articles of, 180 Mendoza, Cardinal, 399, 429 Mendoza, Diego de, 82-4 Menot, Michel, 280 Mercenaries, Swiss, in the French and Imperial armies, 44 sq. Methven, Henry Stewart, Lord, 454 Metz, siege of (1552), 87, 274; French occupation of, 144 Metzler, George, 182, 187 Meyer, Gerold, 337 Meyer, Hans, of Knonau, 313 Meyer, Marx, 229, 614 sq. Miani, Girolamo, 648 Michelangelo, 6, 12, 14, 28, 34, 395; his Giudido Universale and Last Judgment, 34 Michiel, Giovanni, 613, 529, 534, 542, 547 sq. Mikkelsen, Hans, 604, 610 Milan, conquest of (1521), 44 ; siege of citadel of (1526), 53; duchy of, its revenues, 64 Milanese, the, 94 Milne, 'WaUer, 558 MUtitz, Charles von, 134, 168 Minadois, Germano, 390 Ministry, the Eeformed, and Calvin, 370 sqq. Mino of Pieaole, 13 Minoz, Sigismundo, 390 Mirabilia Romae, the, 106, 128 Miranda, Sancho Carranza de, 400 Mirandola, 72, 86 Mirror of a Sinful Soul, by Margaret of Navarre, 354 Modena, 56; the Beform at, 386 sq. Modrzewski (Polish reformer), 636 MoUer, Heinrich, 160 MoUio, Giovanni, 390 Moluccas, spice trade of the, 101 Molza, Francesco-Maria, 15 Monasteries, suppression of the English, 444, 448, 450, and its results, 467 sq. ; their partial revival in Mary's reign, 543; sup- pression of, in Switzerland, 321; reform of, in Spain, 400; spoliation of, in Nor- way, 618 Moncada, Ugo de, 53, 58, 197 Mouembasia, besieged by the Turks, 72; surrender of, 74 Montagu, Sir Edward, 475, 518 Montague, Lord (Henry Pole), execution of, 449 Montaigne, Michel de, 690, 711 sq. Montalcino, 88, 94 Montbrun, :C. du Puy, Lord of, 297 Monte del Nove, the, 83 Monte, Giambattista del, 85 sqq. Monte, Giovanni Maria del, see Julius III Montferrat, Marquis of, death pf, 68 Montgomery, Gabriel de, 296 Montluc, Blaise de, 88 Montluc, Jean de. Bishop of Yalenoe, 297 sq., 300 Montm^dy, 93 Montmorency,. Constable de, 71 sqq., 92, 97 sq., 505, 517, 547 Montobbio, castle of, 82 Montpensier, Charles de Bourbon, Comte de, 46; see Bourbon Montreuil, 78 Moor, treaties of the (1525), 425, 427 Morato, Fulvio Peregrino, 384 Morata, Olympia, 384, 387 Moray, James Stewart, Earl of, 554, 558, 581 Mordaunt, Sir John, 514 More, Sir Thomas, 421, 432, 436, 438, 441; execution of, 443; his Utopia, 490 Morel, Fraucjois, 295, 302, 673 Moriseos of Valencia, the, 99 Morlaiz, sack of (1522), 420 Morone, Giovanni de, JBishop of Modena, 240, 386, 399, 641, 645, 660, 682 sq. Morone, Girolamo, 23; conspiracy of, 52 Mortensen, ElauB, 610 Mortenssou, Jens, 618 Morwen, Dr, 501 Mountjoy, William Blount, Lord, 422 Mouvans, Antoine de, 297 Miihlberg, 81; campaign of (1547), 260 sq. Muley Hassan, Bey of Tunis, 69 MiiUer, Hans, of Bulgenbach, 178 sq., 182; his death, 190 Municipal revolutions, in Germany, 227 sqq. Munk (Bishop of Bibe), 611 Miinster, Anabaptists in, 103, 222, 226 sq. ; strife between Catholics and Protestants in, 224 sq. ; siege of (1635), 227 Munster, Sebastian, his Biblia Hebraica, 355 Munzer, Thomas, 166, 182, 186-9, 323 Murner, Thomas, 162, 168, 174, 331; his Heretics' Calendar, 334 Muslim pirates, in the Mediterranean, 68 sq. Musso, war of (1531), 336 Musurus, Marcus, 16 Mutianus Eufus (Conrad MuttiJ, 111 Myoonius (Oswald Geisshussler), 105, 161, 207, 310, 318, 355 Mysticism, 695 Nacohianti (Bishop of Chioggia), 666 Namur, 89 Nantes, conspiiaoy of (1560), 297 Naples, siege ^ of (1528), 58 sq.; subsidy voted to Emperor Charles V at, 71; re- bellion of (1648), 83; the Beform at, 387-91